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Are you going to NAMS8 in Atlanta Next Month for Internet Marketing Training?

Join me at NAMS8

Last week I bought my ticket to NAMS8 in Atlanta. I also got my plane ticket, and booked my hotel room as well. I actually booked it after watching a webinar that was part of the NAMS Celebrate Independence Week series that NAMS put on last week, and was then 100% sure I needed to attend. I will admit that I was already 90% sure I wanted to go, but this really put me over the edge, as it was that incredible.

I’m very excited, as this will be my first NAMS event. I have attended other live Internet Marketing events, such as the Blog World Expo (last month), and Affiliate Summit East (last year). So I know how valuable they can be, and how much you can learn.

What I’m even more excited about with the NAMS8 event is that I’ve heard it’s very different from other events I’ve been to. Multiple people have mentioned that it’s set up a lot differently. First of all, instead of everyone going to the same sessions, these are split up into 4 different sections that you go to depending on your experience level.

If you’re a complete beginner, you’ll go to NAMS 100 sessions, and if you’re an advanced Internet Marketer, you’ll go to NAMS 400 sessions, with people in the middle going to NAMS 200 level or 300 level sessions depending on where you are. I think that’s great, as you’ll learn what can help you now, and what will get you to the next level.

Also, I’ve heard that it’s a lot more hands on than other events. Most people have their laptops out, and I’ve heard that while you’re learning, a lot of the instructors will give you time to actually do what you’re learning right there and then!

I love that, as it would be really great to actually have some things accomplished by the end of the weekend. Plus, that means if you have any problems or questions, you can ask the instructor since they’ll be right there!

Another big thing about NAMS workshops is that I’ve heard that the instructors (along with the attendees) are all very nice and want to help you. I’ve heard that they are very accessible, and will answer any questions you have. That sounds really great as well.

Many Internet Marketing events are very expensive – as in $1,000 or more. The NAMS workshops are not one of them. The regular price is $497 (which is reasonable), but with code Take200Today, you can go for just $297.

And while $297 is a great price, you can do even better! If you join NAMS – the Niche Affiliate Marketing System community, which has a bunch of great benefits I’ll talk about in a future post, you can get in for just $197!

Since I am a member of NAMS, I paid the $197 to go, and think it’s a great value! I am sure I’ll get my money’s worth, and a whole lot more.

If you’re thinking of going to NAMS8 in Atlanta, I would suggest you become a member as well to get the lower price, but that’s completely up to you!

NAMS8 is taking place just under a month from now – from August 3rd – 5th, and I’m really looking forward to it.

If this event sounds like something you’d be interested, you should definitely come as well! It sounds like it’ll be very educational, and that it’ll be a great time. You’ll get to learn a lot, and meet a lot of great people as well.

I’ll definitely post about the conference when I get home (or maybe even while I’m there) and let you know what I think…and if I’d go again…but if you don’t want to wait until then, join me, and I’ll see you there!

Join me at NAMS8 in Atlanta!