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Blog World and New Media Expo Review

Get in on BlogWorldExpo!

Blog World 2012 was from June 6th – 8th, and I’ve now had a little over a week since it ended.

Talk about overwhelming! I learned so much information in such a short time, I had to take a few days away from it all to let it sink in. I don’t know if I can put into words how awesome it was, but I will sure try to.

It was great being in a place with a lot of people who were just like me. Normally, I’m not around people who are looking to make money online, and so I don’t get to talk about it a lot. It was incredible being able to talk to other people who knew exactly what I was going through, and listening to others who could teach me.

Most of the sessions I attended were over the top. I took a lot of notes, and can’t wait to put them into action. I’ve already made a few small changes, but will be making a lot more in the upcoming months.

My biggest issue? There were too many sessions that I wanted to go to – all going on at the same time!

So thank goodness for the Blog World virtual ticket. I bought it when I got my regular ticket, and once all of the sessions are uploaded, I’ll be able to watch them all online – the sessions that I attended, as well as the ones I didn’t.

So if I couldn’t remember exactly what someone said during a session, no problem, I can look it up. And if it was a session that I missed because I was at another one, I can watch it and find out what I missed.

The speakers were really great, and many gave a lot of helpful information.

What are my biggest takeaways from Blog World?

  • Go to Internet Marketing events. You’ll learn a lot, and will get to meet a lot of great people who are interested in the same things as you are.
  • Start a podcast already! I had been thinking about it for a while, but after going to a few different podcasting sessions, I realized that I just have to start one now, and not worry about it.
  • Make my websites mobile accessible. I honestly had no idea how easy it was, and will be making sure that anyone can get to my websites whether they’re on an iPad, iPod touch, smart phone, etc.
  • Be personable. I’m pretty shy, so I’ve purposely tried to make most of my websites talk about me as little as possible. Now I realize that I shouldn’t do that, and I should share more personal stories, etc.
  • I learned about a lot of plugins that can help me as well as a lot of websites I never heard about before.
  • I will be following a lot more blogs – people that I heard speak and enjoyed learning from.

So if you didn’t get a chance to go to Blog World, but you want to learn from the over 100 sessions that took place, you can still get the Blog World Expo Virtual Ticket.