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Brad Callen Just Added a Payment Plan to AK Elite

Brad Callen - AK Elite

Have you purchased AK Elite yet? If you want to make money selling Kindle books on Amazon, you’ll really want to get it.

You’ll learn how to get your books to the top of Amazon’s search results. You won’t even have to write the book yourself if you don’t want to!

A few people have said that they wanted to get AK Elite, but couldn’t afford it.

So Brad has created a special deal for you. If you were unable to get a copy of AK Elite because of the price, he has set up a special payment plan where you can try AK Elite for only $49.

If you like it, keep it, and you can just pay 2 more small payments of $49, once a week for 2 weeks.

So, 3 small payments of $49, rather than 1 lump sum. And you can try AK Elite out by spending only $49.

If you try it and don’t like it, you can cancel and not pay the remaining payments, and there will be no hard feelings.

Brad doesn’t want price to be an issue here, at all. All the risk is on him. $49 to try AK Elite and prove to yourself that making money with Kindle publishing REALLY happens.

Go here and below the video, you’ll see the payment plan option:

Get AK Elite Now!