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Do You Get Paul Evans’ Free Platform Achievers Emails?

Paul Evans - Platform Achiever

When I find an Internet Marketer that I think has a solid business that I look up to, I try to get on all of their newsletters.


Because I want to learn what it is that they do, so that I can do something similar and grow my business as well.

If you feel that way, and want to learn from someone who knows what they’re doing in Internet Marketing, you’re going to like this.

Paul Evans recently started a free newsletter called Platform Achievers.

He’s only going to allow 1,000 people to sign up, and to keep room for people who will take action on the information, he’s going to periodically kick out the people who don’t open his emails or take action on the information.

I signed up for the free subscription soon after he announced it, and for the past month the emails have been very helpful.

Each newsletter has had some awesome content, and doesn’t feel like a “free” subscription if you know what I mean. It has the feel of something you’re paying for…with quality information.

Most (if not all) of the newsletters have also included an expiring download. So for the first few days after the newsletter goes out, you can get a free report…but if you wait too long, it’s gone.

These reports have been really helpful, and you’ll want to get on this list just for that.

The reports could easily be sold…and you’d be very happy with paying for the information.

For example, the latest one was a 39 page report on 50 ways to increase your profit in just an hour or less.

Think about how helpful getting reports like that can be to your business!

Just remember…if you sign up, take action!

Sign up for Your Free Platform Achievers Subscription Now!