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Domain Security Pro – Protect Your Business with Mark Dulisse’s New Software

Domain Security Pro

It’s amazing how three little words can scare you. The words “You’ve Been Hacked” can cause chaos in your business and life.

Well, Mark Dulisse just released a new piece of software that you can use so that you don’t have to worry about those three words anymore.

Here are a few reasons why you want to get this.

  1. It is the most practical utility tool, and you will use it all the time.
  2. It protects your wp blogs and any other directory you want to protect.
  3. You don’t need a security WordPress plugin anymore that uses resources, can produce conflicts with
    other plugins, and you have to manually install.With this software, you protect your site by putting a “wall of protection” around your sensitive admin directories. It cuts off hackers at the root before they can even get started.
  4. Gives you the ability to block access to VA’s or coders who have worked on your sites in the past, but not any more.You don’t have to spend all day changing your passwords. With Domain Security Pro, you can do it in seconds.
  5. There is, what is called, the IP LockDown, which means, instead of a htaccess required authentication login, you simply use IP Lock. With this function, only people with IP Addresses
    you have chosen to allow, will have access to your sensitive admin areas.You want to protect your membership lists, your contact lists, your admin areas and files, etc.
  6. There is also hoplink protection with the ability to add extension (ie, .mp4, jpg, png, etc).This will save you bandwidth so people cannot steal your images or video files from your site and embed them on theirs.

You cannot put your online business at risk. If any of you know what I am talking about and have dealt
with malicious hacks, etc, then you know this is well worth its weight in gold.

Just the ability to change wp admin passwords with the click of 1 button, and in bulk, is worth it.

Get Domain Security Pro Now!