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Free Dave Dee Training – 5 Figures in 60 Days

Dave Dee Free Blueprint

Make sure you clear your schedule for late tomorrow afternoon / tomorrow evening.

Tomorrow afternoon (October 15th) from 5PM – 9PM Eastern, Dave Dee (the Chief Marketing Strategist at GKIC/DanKennedy.com) is going to be putting on a special free training on information marketing.

If you haven’t heard of Dave, he’s an “old hand” at info-marketing. He’s been of Dan’s top students for over 17 years and is a world-class expert on this subject

The training – “Info-Marketing Academy” – is a condensed version of a weekend seminar he did multiple times and would charge up to $2000! The weekend was based around this exact training and included multiple break-outs and workshops.

This training was built upon the core content of the ACTUAL teaching he presented over that FULL weekend seminar. Me, I’d pencil out the actual value of this training somewhere in the $500 to $1000 range.

But you get to watch & attend for FREE!

This training training is perfect for you if you are interested in the possibilities of Information Marketing, but may have some questions about whether it’s really something you want to add to your mix of business options right now.

You would be wise to give it careful consideration, as Dave’s “Info-Marketing Academy” training will give you practical tools and strategies you can use today, even if you don’t even choose to go into information marketing!

He’ll cover topics like:

  • The 6 things you MUST look for when considering a target market. Miss any one of these and you’ll be facing an uphill struggle from the get go!
  • How to determine whether your product will sell – He’s going to lay out a detailed, 7 step process that will give you total confidence that what you’re planning has the absolute best chance for success!
  • 12 CRITICAL Questions you MUST answer before you spend 30 seconds on planning a product. Why waste even a moment’s time on a potential loser?!
  • The biggest benefit that you MUST show when describing your product – it’s a game-changer and sadly more than 99% of sellers totally miss this!
  • A 7 step fast-start process to creating and selling a product in less than 30 days that will put your income on auto-pilot earning you money non-stop, year-after-year 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
  • How to conceive, create, and describe a virtually irresistible offer. There are 7 parts to any KILLER Offer and if you miss any one of them your sales numbers will plummet like a rock!

And that’s barely the tip of the iceberg.

Yes, I know 4 hours is a serious chunk of time, yes, but it had to be – because it’s real “HOW TO” content you can truly use.

Now I know the folks at GKIC are doing what they can to acquire enough server bandwidth, but there’s still limits you have to deal with when livecasting video over the net. This is going to be packed – so I strongly suggest you save your spot now by clicking the link below:

This is a real training of the entire business, not just a tease, and it will give you a true appreciation of the information marketing business so you can make an informed decision whether it’s right for you.

Note that this is a LIVE, one time only training that includes time for Q&A with Dave.

Again, this is the ONE time the Info-Marketing Academy training will take place, and it’s totally FREE and their gift to you.

Sign Up for Dave Dee’s Free Training Now!