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Get Coach Glue’s Thanksgiving Social Media Bundle (with Extra Discount!)

Coach Glue - Thanksgiving Templates Bundle

Coach Glue often has great packages that you can use to learn from, as well as change (or not) and use as PLR.

Nicole Dean and Melissa Ingold always have great quality products, so you know that all of these will be great to learn from and sell.

Right now, they’re having a Thanksgiving Templates Bundle with >6< bundles for one low price…and I even have a coupon you can use to pay less!

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Bundle 1 – Facebook: How to use the Internet’s hottest social platform to attract, engage, and inspire new clients and customers to rave about your business. Value $27)
  • Bundle 2 – Be a Social Media Superstar (Value $27)
  • Bundle 3 – 500 Copy & Paste Facebook Posts and Twitter Tweets
  • Bundle 4 – Share to Download Plugin WordPress Plugin (Personal Use Only)
  • Bundle 5 – Marketing On Pinterest (Value $27)
  • Bundle 6 – Facebook Advocate Report (Personal Use Only – Value $27)

You really need to click on the link below to see the details, because some of those bundles come with a lot of stuff!

Nicole Dean and Melissa Ingold are selling all of that for just $47.

They were also really kind to let me give out this coupon code: thanks2013 which will take $20 off, making the total $27 for all of the above!! Talk about a great deal.

I don’t know how long it’s available for…but since it’s a Thanksgiving bundle, I’m sure it won’t be for too much longer…so check it out now:

Check out Coach Glue’s Thanksgiving Bundle Now!