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Get CoachGlue’s 12 Package Super Bundle Now! (It Ends Tonight)

12 Package Super Bundle

Nicole Dean and Melissa Ingold are in the middle of re-doing their website. While they’re doing this, they’re having a huge makeover clear out sale, where you’ll get 12 different packages in one super bundle.

It has a lot of stuff included, and you won’t believe at how great the price is.

The only downside?  There are only hours left.

It’s only available through tonight. Here’s what you get:

  1. Kindle Profits Treasure Map ($147 value)
  2. 50 Things Your Website Needs to Attract More Clients ($15 value)
  3. 100 Things Every Business Must Do to Succeed Online ($15 value)
  4. How to Write Your Book in 30 Days with 10 Worksheets ($15 value)
  5. PowerPoint for Business Made Easy ($27 value)
  6. From Lackluster to Blockbuster: Revamp Your “About” Page ($17 value)
  7. Charging What You’re Worth & Payment Letters ($17 value)
  8. Take Control of your Business Finances Kit ($15 value)
  9. Unstoppable Productivity Software ($27 value; Personal use rights only)
  10. How to Start, Grow, Engage and Monetize Facebook Groups ($37 value)
  11. Webinar in a Box (17 templates & forms) ($17 value)
  12. Hiring a Social Media Manager to Handle Your Social Marketing ($17 value)
  13. New Client Welcome Kit ($17 value)

…and you won’t believe how much stuff each of these bundles contain! We’re talking about reports, Powerpoint slides, blog posts, emails, and more. You really need to check it out to see exactly what you’ll be getting.

Remember, it’s only available at this low price until tonight…so don’t miss out!

Get the 12 Package Super Bundle Now!