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Get Hangout Domination

Hangout Domination

Laura Betterly just released Hangout Domination, and if you want to learn how to make money with the latest technology (Google Hangouts), you really need to check this out.

There are 3 things you need to run a profitable business.

  1. You need a product (either one that’s your own, or a product you can promote as an affiliate.)
  2. You need traffic.
  3. You need to have a selling system set up that’s easy to run and makes sales like clockwork whenever you want.

With Hangout Domination, you’ll be able to use all three, to create a profitable business.

Using Hangout Domination, you can:

  • Rapidly build your list full of hungry buyers without using the same old tired methods
  • Instantly churn out your own info products
  • Make fat affiliate commissions without having to rely on outdated vendor sales pages
  • Captivate your audience so it feels like you have them buying on command
  • Become a respected authority in your niche that everyone looks up to
  • Have more people show up to your events than who register
  • Be one of the first to use this new system before “copycat” marketers
  • Spend about an hour using the system (when you needed a little cash) and then watch the sales roll in
  • Set up multiple systems that get traffic, build your list, and automate the process

Why are Google Hangouts better than webinars?

These days, only about 30% of people who register for webinars show up.

On the other hand, with a test of this new system, 1,000 people registered, and 3,000 people showed up!

You can get your replays indexed in Google, so even more people will be able to see your presentation.

What’s more:

  • You don’t need a big list or any list at all
  • You don’t need to have your own products
  • You don’t need to be a tech geek, it’s easy to set up
  • You don’t need to be a “salesman”
  • You don’t even have to be live on camera if you don’t want to

Here’s what you get with Hangout Domination:

  • Over 30 no fluff training videos and cheat sheets showing you everything you need to make Hangout cash step by step
  • Bonus #1: Laura’s Hangout Builder WordPress Plugin (value $495)
  • Bonus #2: The Hangout Affiliate Blueprint – become a hangout super affiliate (value $495)
  • Bonus #3: Laura’s Secret Stash of Traffic (value $495)
  • Bonus #4: AudienceMakr (Laura’s Facebook secret weapon) (value $495)

…and before you think this will cost you a few thousand dollars, think again.

You’ll be surprised at how low the price is!

Get Hangout Domination Now!