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Get the Affordable Mentoring Newsletter Now (Price Almost Tripling Today!)

Tony Shepherd - Affordable Mentoring Newsletter

Earlier this morning, I got an email from Tony Shepherd saying how he was about to almost triple the price of his Affordable Mentoring Newsletter.

Even tripled, it’ll be worth it…but why pay more if you don’t have to?

In his monthly newsletter, Tony shows you techniques that either he or a marketer he personally knows has used.

You’ll be able to see it all for yourself, because he lays the results wide open for you.

He Includes actual stats such as earnings, income, traffic numbers, list sizes, results, disasters, and even black hat stuff.

It’s the closest thing you’re going to get to Tony’s sold-out $12k a year personal mentoring program.

Again, I don’t know what time today the price will go up…so don’t wait:

Get the Affordable Mentoring Newsletter Now!