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Image Monthly – Find Better Graphics, Create Better Graphics, Get Royalty Free Graphics + More

Kelly McCausey - Image Monthly

It’s a known fact that blog posts with pictures on them do better.

People stay on the page longer, so there is more of a chance they’ll read and like what you say.

But do you have the same problem I have?

I can’t create graphics. At all.

I sometimes have a hard time finding the right graphic to use as well.

Kelly McCausey just released something that can help all of us.

It’s called Image Monthly, and each month, she’ll share her knowledge about images.

We’re talking about how to create better images, how to edit them, and even how to find good images online if you don’t want to create them.

On top of that, each month you’ll also get a subscriber bonus pack of 25 exclusive royalty free stock photos, 10 conversation starting quotes, and 10 giant background textures.

There will also be a web based Q&A each month so that you can get your graphics questions answered.

For now, she’s charging just $5 a month.

Isn’t $5 a month worth making your site look that much better?

I sure think so!

If you want your site to look better with images, you really need to check it out:

Get Image Monthly Now!