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Learn How to Write Copy that Sells (Free Book – Just Pay Shipping!)

Ray Edwards - How to Write Copy that Sells

I love when new Internet Marketing books come out by those that know their stuff.

It gives me a chance to learn even more about a topic that I care about.

Copywriting is a topic I care about, because no matter how awesome your product is, if you can’t write a good sales letter for it, you won’t make a cent.

So when I heard that not only Ray Edwards had a new copywriting book out, but that he was giving it away for free – you just had to pay for shipping, I was really excited.

The book is called “How to Write Copy That Sells”, and you can also get it for free.

It’ll just cost $7 for shipping.

The book is full of great copywriting examples and templates you can use to start selling more of your stuff – right away.

On top of the book, you’ll also get access to a free online resource library where you’ll find templates, checklists, info-graphics ,and more. There is even a free training course called “Copywriting Quickstart.” It’s absolutely free.

Ray knows his stuff.

He has worked with Fortune 500 companies and with some of the most powerful voices in leadership and business.

His clients include New York Times best-selling authors Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Jeff Walker, and many more.

Ray’s copy and marketing expertise has helped sell an estimated $200 million or more in products and services.

And now he has put his copywriting system into a book.

With checklists.

And templates.

For a limited time, Ray will send you a copy of the book for free – you just pay the shipping & handling ($7).

Click this link to claim your free copy before they’re all gone…or until the end of the day today:

Get “How to Write Copy that Sells” Now!