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Learn How to Write Salesletters that Sell – from Reed Floren

How to Write Salesletters That Sell

When you write a salesletter…do people come running?

Do you sell a lot of whatever it is you’re trying to sell?

Let’s look at it this way.

Have you ever had a number one best selling product?

Have you ever wanted create a number one best selling product?

Reed Floren has had FIVE #1 best selling products in a ROW so far this year and he wants to show you his secrets to success.

In case you haven’t heard of Reed, he’s been in the Internet Marketing industry since 1999 and has spoken at live seminar in 8 different countries across 4 different continents about Internet Marketing.

Inside Reed’s new course you’ll find 1+ hour long training which is actually an excerpt from one of his $997 coaching programs…but don’t worry, you’ll only pay a fraction of the price.

You will learn:

  • What goes into a successful sales letter.
  • 21 step sales letter formula.
  • Bad words to eliminate from your sales copy.
  • How putting an “s” on the end of words can double response.
  • The 5 questions your sales copy must answer.
  • The 5 most powerful emotional hot buttons.
  • Why verbs outsell adjectives.
  • How to use sales copy transitions to help make your sales letter flow.
  • The exact steps Reed used to take a product to #1 on the Warrior Forum.
  • How to create headlines that force people to read the rest of the page!
  • How to get testimonials for a new product.
  • Proven bullet point formula for more sales.
  • Crafting a call to action that gets people to take out their credit cards.
  • …and more!

Plus, you’ll also get these great bonuses:

  • Bonus #1: 15 Minute 1-on-1 Business Accelerator Session
  • Bonus #2: Webinar – “Now That I Have Written My Sales Letter, What’s Next?”
  • Bonus #3: How to Write Sales Letters that SELL! PowerPoint Presentation (Printable PDF)
  • Bonus #4: Copywriting Mindmap
  • Bonus #5: Copywriting Checklist/Cheat Sheet
  • Bonus #6: Transcript
  • Bonus #7: Two Fill in the Blanks Sales Letter Templates

Grab your copy now, because it’s a dimesale and the price will keep rising:

Learn How to Write Salesletters that Sell Now!