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Little Monthly Payments – Learn How to Create Your Own Small Monthly Membership Sites

Little Monthly Payments

How would you like to have hundreds of people each paying you small monthly payments (such as $5 to $10 each and every month?

Kelly McCausey just released a new product called Little Monthly Payments that will teach you just that.

A membership site is something that’s great to have. You can make money month after month from the same people.

Think about how hard it can be to get a new customer. Now if they’re already a customer, they like what you have to sell…so it’s no extra work on your part!

Automatically, the person will be recharged each month until they cancel.

The problem is, the higher the price, the less likely someone will want to commit to a monthly charge, no matter how great the product is.

But with small monthly payments, it’s a lot easier for people to commit to getting charged each month, since it’s such a small cost.

In Little Monthly Payments, Kelly will teach you how you can increase your passive income with a minimum amount of work.

You’ll learn how to come up with ideas for micro-continuity membership sites, create them, and get some ideas on how to model the whole thing.

If you’re thinking right now, “Why would I want to sell something for $5 or $10 dollars?” just think…with that low of a price point, what if you had 500 of those coming in each month?

If this sounds like something you’d enjoy doing, check it out:

Get Little Monthly Payments Now!