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Make Money and Save Money Websites – Join INTENTclick Now for a Special Deal!

If you join now, you'll get a special offer!

I met with a member of INTENTclick yesterday at the Affiliate Summit, and he was nice enough to let me offer you something really cool!

If you have a website with content that talks about getting a better income or saving money, you’ll want to continue reading.

They’re willing to offer you a 70% revenue share, and a $5 CPM guarantee for your first month!

How does this work? Well, they offer in-text ads, meaning that while someone is reading your content, every once in a while they’ll see a word that is underlined…and when they click on it, you’ll make money!

They have thousands of offers, and since they’re very specific in the type of website you have to have, you know that the ads will be very targeted, so you don’t have to worry about annoying your readers.

It’s really easy to set up, and if you’re looking for another way to make some income on your make money / save money sites, this is a great way to do so!

Join INTENTclick Now!