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Marlon Sanders – Unique Easy to Customize Banner Ads

Marlon Sanders - Ninja Banners

When you see a really nice looking banner ad, do you ever click it?

My guess is that you do. Because there’s just something about professional looking banner ads…

Do you wish you had really nice looking banner ads that would help get people to your site?

If so, now you can grab an amazing 270 high converting, easy to customize graphic banner ads for only two pennies each.

You can use these graphics to:

  • Boost ad revenue
  • Split test different offers
  • Use for affiliate tools
  • Add to your blog pages, posts or sidebar.
  • …and more

As long as you can type, you can knock out killer banner graphics in as little as a few minutes.

Each of the 30 different graphic banners come in standard ad sizes:

120×600, 160×600, 125×125, 200×200, 250×250, 300×250, 336×280, 468×60, and 728×90

Marlon Sanders has put together a video walkthrough that shows you exactly how to customize the .PSD graphic files using a freebie software program and top secret “plugin”.

Just the plugin itself is worth the $7…because without it, you’d have to spend almost a thousand dollars on Photoshop.

This offer is only valid for the next 3 days…then the price will go up.

So don’t miss out on this great deal for just $7:

Get Banner Ninja Now!