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Matt Clark & Jason Katzenback are Holding a Free Google Hangout about Amazing Selling Machine Tonight

Matt Clark - Free Google Hangout

Wish you knew how people who actually USE Amazing Selling Machine are doing with their business?

Here’s your chance to see how 5 ASM students are doing with Amazon.

Tonight at 8PM Eastern you can join Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback on a special live Google Hangout with five incredibly successful people with widely different backgrounds who have all built highly-profitable businesses with Amazon. You do NOT want to miss THIS.

The Guest Lineup for Tonight:

  • John Gill (Retired police officer of 11 years; Father of 5; Built a HUGE business with Amazon in less than 12 months)
  • Elaine Drennan (Successful student from Ireland built her hugely successful business from miles away from the USA)
  • Chris Wilson (Turned the brand he created selling on Amazon into a multi-million dollar market-leading brand and is one of the BIGGEST $$$ successes from this training)
  • Kerry Sebree (Experienced businessperson wanted another stream of profits and dove into this business to create a highly-profitable NEW source of revenue)
  • Dr. Charles Livingston (Chiropractor from Indiana who had been selling information products online for years wanted a more stable, long-term business, so he jumped into selling physical products and is LOVING it!)

Here’s what’s going to be asked to each one of these guests:

  • “What was the BIG SECRET to your huge success?”
  • “What were the few key things you focused on to quickly grow your business?”
  • “What’s your top strategy for higher rankings on Amazon?”
  • “What’s your best trick for getting more 5-star reviews?”
  • …And lots more while we dig into their success so you can copy what they’ve done and build a quickly-profitable business yourself!

Make sure you register now so you can join in tonight.

Do you have a question you want these guys to ask them? When you register, you can submit a question that you can have them answer for you!

Register NOW for this one-time LIVE Hangout with these successful Amazon business owners PLUS get an instant bonus, the “Supplier Contact BLUEPRINT”.

Register for the Live Hangout Now!