web analytics

Mobiease – Convert Mobile Traffic Fast

There’s a new software that’s just been released that can turn your website into a mobile and tablet ready site within minutes.

It’s called “Mobiease”, and it can help SEO your site using its integrated SEO feature. It also boasts GEO targeting and GEO map capabilities along with a ton of amazing, never seen before features.

Did you know that Google likes it when your sites are mobile and tablet friendly?

That’s right! Google can improve your rankings if you choose to serve your website to all kinds of viewing devices.

You can even use it to build your list!

Here are some of the features:

  • Mobile/tablet site creation (takes minutes)
  • Drag and Drop Interface
  • SEO capabilities
  • GEO targeting capabilities
  • GEO Maps integration
  • Autoresponder/popup integration
  • Social Media integration
  • …and a lot more.

There were 1.4 BILLION mobile users at the end of last year and it’s rapidly growing in 2014!

You need to take advantage of this and keep up to date with the changing trends and competition ultimately boosting your business.

They’re basically giving it away compared to what its worth, and right now you’ll also get developer rights included.

Are you wondering how it works?

Once you set up your mobile or tablet sites you’re good to go! The software automatically detects what the visitor is viewing your site on, and shows the relevant version of the site.

Check it out:

Get Mobiease Now!