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NAMS8 Audio Recordings Discount – Not Going to NAMS8 This Weekend? No Problem!

NAMS8 Audio Recordings

I’m getting really excited, because just a few days from now, I fly down to Atlanta for NAMS8. This is my first NAMS event but I have heard so many good things, that I just can’t wait to go!

I’ve taken a look at the schedule, and can’t believe all of the great training that will go on. I’m all set, and hope to come back with a lot of great new knowledge that I can put into action immediately!

Of course, I know that not everyone is able to go to NAMS8 this year, even if you want to. I know it’s hard to get off of work, and fly or drive all the way down to Atlanta (unless you live close by of course!)

So David Perdew is doing something awesome. He’s celebrating the fact that it’s the 8th NAMS Workshop, and is pre-selling the audio recordings for just $77. Normally, David prices the audios for the first few weeks after the workshop at $97 (still an amazing deal!), and then raises the price to $197 – $297.

I know it’s worth it, since you’ll be getting an entire home study course. You’ll get audios to all 4 tracks worth of classes. This is why I’m looking forward to the recordings as well.

While I’ll be learning and taking notes while in Atlanta, once I get back I can watch the sessions for the other tracks, and learn even more!

So, if you want to get all of the training of NAMS8 without having to physically go to Atlanta, I suggest you pre-order the audios now. You definitely won’t beat $77 to get access to 3 days worth of classes!

Pre-Order Your NAMS8 Workshop Audios Now!