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Ryan Deiss Free Report: The Kindle Publishing Revolution

Ryan Deiss - The Kindle Publishing Revolution Free Report

Ryan Deiss is doing something that takes a LOT of guts.

He is going to launch a new book on Amazon Kindle, and he’s going to do it live. He’s going to show you how he promotes it, gives it away, and eventually sells it.

So you’ll get to see what he’s doing, and how he’s doing it.

His goal is 10,000 downloads and 500 real sales within the first month!

Do you think he’ll succeed? He’s done it 2 other times before, and thinks he has all the kinks worked out. Either way, it’ll be really cool to watch how someone gets a new Kindle book selling well!

Ryan’s calling it: “The Great Kindle Challenge”

Go sign up for the updates to follow along… This should be fun!

On top of that, when you sign up for the updates, you’ll get the free report, “The Kindle Publishing Revolution.” If you’re at all interested in growing you business with Kindle, you’re going to want to read it, and keep an eye on Ryan’s challenge.

Sign up for Free Updates and Get Your Free Report Now!