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Ryan Deiss – Sales Letter Tweak (With Free Swipe File Inclulded!)

There are many ways you can write your sales letter, and each and every change you make it it will change the results you get from it.

What I’m about to tell you really shows why you should never underestimate the power a few words can make in someone’s life, or in their business.

Recently, Ryan Deiss was at one of his member’s office in Baltimore, Maryland. This is a huge company, with over $500 million per year in annual sales.

So imagine Ryan’s surprise when the CEO of the company came up to him, shook his hand, and said “Thanks for the $80 million increase to our business.”

Ryan of course wanted to know what he did to make THAT big of a difference!

It turns out that the company had taken just one sales letter tactic from one of Ryan’s trainings, and applied it to just some of the offers in their business, and in just one year, they experienced an $80 million increase in sales!

So…want to know what the $80 million sales letter magic was?

Ryan made a free video telling you about it…It’s really simple, but commonly increases sales by up to 300% overnight.

The video is free, again, so Ryan can show you the power of the research that he and his staff do at Digital Marketer. He walks you through the process step by step, so it’s a real keeper for your swipe file.

Watch the Sales Letter Tweak Video Now!