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The Importance of June 24th (Do You Know Why?)

The Importance Of June 24th

Today is very important when it comes to achieving your goals this year.


Exactly one week from today, it will be July 1st.

That means that the year is almost half over.

If your goal was to make $100,000 for the year, then you should have already made about $50,000.

This is the time to check if you’re on your way to achieving your goals…or if you’re far off.

Are you on track to make your goals for the year?

If the answer is no…this is the time to make sure you TAKE ACTION.

You still have half of the year to get things done…and if you do it the right way, you can reach all of your goals and more.

In fact, Gary Ryan Blair has put out a really great free video series and manifesto that I think will help you.

It’ll get you motivated, and get you back on track.

Don’t miss it!

By the way…The video series alone is outstanding, but please be sure to read the Manifesto as soon as you can — it’s that good!

Watch the Free Video Series & Get the Free Manifesto Now!

100 Day Challenge – Will You Achieve the Goals You Set for 2014?

I have a question for you, although it might be hard to think about.

Especially if it’s something that happens to you over and over again.

When you set a goal…do you usually achieve it?

In other words…has this ever happened to you?

You set a goal.

You visualize yourself achieving it in perfect detail.

You PROMISE yourself that you’ll stick with it.

And then…

Just a few weeks later, you find yourself in the exact same position and you let your goal slip away, once again?

If you’ve struggled to make any LASTING change in your life and want 2014 to be different, then don’t miss out on this small window of opportunity.

If you’ve ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly succeed while others struggle just to get by, I encourage you to watch this video that finally fills in the missing link, and launches you peak performance.

If you want to knock it out of the park this year, you owe it to yourself to watch this video now.

Don’t miss out on your opportunity to see what happens next.

Join the 100 Day Challenge Now!

Paul Evans Shows You How to Achieve Your Goals in 2014

Paul Evans - Five Stones

Have you created a list of goals yet for 2014?

If so, do you know how you’re going to achieve them?

Let’s face it. It’s pretty easy to create a list of goals. Unfortunately, it’s not as easy to make sure that you achieve them.

That’s why Paul Evans is doing an important training on Thursday, January 2nd.

It’s called, “Five Stones: Slay Your Giant Goals”, and you’ll learn the essential stones that you need to triumph.

If you already have your goals for the year, this event will help you reach them. If you haven’t set your goals yet, don’t worry. This training will also cover goal setting and creating your achievement strategy.

In other words, this event will make sure that you start the year off right, and continue to do well and achieve all the goals that you set.

At this point, you’re probably thinking that this will be some expensive training.

I mean how much would you pay to be able to accomplish your goals next year?

Exactly…it would be worth a LOT to you.

Paul is doing something great though.

He’s making it just $10.

Enough that you’ll take the training seriously and pay attention…but not enough to stop you from joining in on the training.

Don’t miss out. Start 2014 the right way, and achieve your goals!

Learn How to Slay Your Giant Goals!