When you have your own websites, you don’t even need your own products to make money. You can promote affiliate products, and have a set and forget site.
The question is, are you looking to make money online with your own site?
Unfortunately, if you’re not technical at all, it can be hard to get a website up and going.
You know that affiliate marketing can be a great way to earn online, since you don’t even have to have your own products…but if you can’t get that site set up, well, then you won’t make anything.
Earlier today, Brett Ingram released Minisite Riches.
You can use it with Amazon, Clickbank, and Adsense. It’s a great way to start earning affiliate commissions while you’re doing other things as well.
It will make you your very own niche minisites in minutes.
Here’s what it can do:
- It’s point-n-click simple to setup.
- It sets up in minutes and looks awesome.
- It comes complete with list-building and Amazon, Adsense, and Clickbank.
- It’s fully automated (set and forget simple.)
- Legal and terms pages are all included so search engines will love your sites.
- Unlimited personal use license so you can create as many sites in each niche as you want.
- It requires NO marketing experience.
So if you’re just starting out, or are looking for another stream of income, make sure you check it out.
Right now it’s really inexpensive, as he needs some feedback and testimonials first before he raises the price. So see what it can do for you now: