Dennis Becker has just launched an awesome deal if you haven’t already purchased his “Unlock” series of books.
Throughout the year, he’s written 7 of them, and sold them one by one.
Now, he’s bundled the all together, and he’s offering them at a really low price. You wouldn’t be able to buy more than one of them with the same amount if you bought them separately.
If you haven’t gotten to where you want with your business, or if you’re looking for the next step, this series will help you.
Each of the books will help you become more successful with your business.
If you want to be a coach, a writer, a teacher, an expert in any field, or more, this series of books will help you.
Here’s what’s included:
- Unlock the Coach in You
- Unlock the Teacher in You
- Unlock the Expert in You
- Unlock the Creator in You
- Unlock the Ideas in You
- Unlock the Prolific Writer in You
- Unlock Your Ideal Self
These books have gotten great reviews over the year, as they were released one by one.
This is the first time you can get them all together though!
What’s really cool is that the books aren’t all you get.
You get forms, workbooks, and more with each.
For example, with “Unlock the Coach in You”, you also get a client coaching application form. With “Unlock the Creator in You”, you also get action guides such as “Develop New Products and Business Ideas”…and so on.
Check it out. You won’t be disappointed!
Get the Unlock the New Year Book Bundle Now!