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Covert Shirt Store – Transform Your Blog Into a T-Shirt Selling Machine

The brand new Covert Shirt Store theme just went live, and if you’ve seen the craze on selling t-shirts online, you’re going to want to check it out.

If you saw the preview video and read the report I posted about earlier this week, you already know how powerful this theme is.

If not…know that this will allow you to run a fully functional self optimizing t-shirt store – all from a simple 1-click install WordPress theme.

Right now you can grab it at the the special low early bird price.

But in less than 24 hours the price will start going up… FAST!

I highly recommend that you grab this theme today… it’s some of the most cutting edge stuff I have ever seen.

Go NOW before the price goes up!

Get the Covert Shirt Store Theme Now!

Covert Store Builder – 3 Days Only Get 72% Off Plus More!

IM Wealth Builders - Covert Store Builder

Back in June, the IM Wealth Builders launched their amazing Covert Store Builder WP theme.
Since then thousands of happy customers have used it to generate huge Amazon affiliate

I am one of their happy customers who purchased it the last time around. I will admit that I only spent about an hour per website, and only put up a few sites. I didn’t even take the time to promote the sites, as I’ve been too busy.

For the next 3 days they have knocked the price back down to the original early bird launch special (originally only available during the first 24 hours).

But even with minimal promoting, Google still sends me some traffic each day, plus I have made a few affiliate sales. If I actually spent time adding products to my store or promoting the site, I could only imagine how much better the sites would do.

If you don’t own the Covert Store Builder theme yet, now is the time to take action and secure you copy.

And even if you do own it you will still want to grab a copy from this special 3 day deal.

Why? Because you will also get access to 15 additional internet marketing products worth over $1,500!

Here is what you’ll get for FREE when you buy Covert Store Builder:

  • Simon & Jeremy’s Secret Affiliate Aces Video Course
  • AmaTheme
  • WebFire
  • PR Powershot
  • WP Brute Force
  • PulseHover
  • Link Super Charger
  • Total Web Traffic
  • Simple Traffic Solutions
  • CurationSoft
  • WP Shield
  • Amazon Blog Riches Vol. 1
  • Amazon Blog Riches Vol. 2
  • WP Web Graphics

What’s Covert Store Builder all about?

Well, let me ask you a question.

Would you rather:

Build an affiliate site completely blind, guessing what your visitors would want to buy?


Use the an self optimizing theme that automatically updates in real time and always shows the most popular products first?

Hopefully you picked the last option, as that is the one that will maximize your commissions and make you the most money.

And that is just what the new Covert Store Builder theme does.

Covert Store Builder is the world’s first intelligent, self optimizing affiliate store theme for WordPress.

And that is just one of the many powerful features in this unique WP theme.

Click here to see everything Covert Store Builder can do for your bottom line today!

Get Covert Store Builder Now!