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The LoveClaw Team Says that Google PLUS is a Failure

LoveClaw - Google Plus Catastrophe

Google has literally been WIPED OUT of the Social Traffic arena.

You probably don’t use the G+1 button often (if at all!) and you’re not along.

Everyone is using Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!

There is one completely overlooked reason WHY Facebook now refers more than 65% of all social traffic on the web, and it’s the same reason for Google’s catastrophic failure, and the same reason “Emotional SEOs” are being found on the front page, instead of their outdated competition!

Understanding this is critical to the rising Emotional SEO Movement.

And this free video series made for you by The LoveClaw Team explains all.

Emotional SEO is the name of a new direction our industry’s most progressive SEOs are heading, as they get rankings by focusing on people instead of clinging to outdated numbers methods.

It doesn’t rely on Google for traffic, yet it draws more traffic from the search engines, than those who slave tirelessly, building links and optimizing their sites in an attempt to impress Google!

But Google isn’t listening.

Google is looking at the Emotional SEO crowd instead. Learn what it is and how it works in Part #1…

This video will be removed soon – watch now:

Watch the Free Video Now!