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Tickets to Internet Marketing Event in February 2014 – NAMS 11

NAMS 11 Tickets

NAMS 11 tickets are now available.

NAMS 11 is taking place in Atlanta, GA from February 6th – 9th, 2014.

If you haven’t been to a NAMS event before, as someone who has gone twice…I can tell you that it’s SO worth it.

Here are 3 reasons that I really enjoy NAMS events:

  1. The Sessions: You will definitely learn a lot. You’ll come home with a lot of notes, and will be ready to make huge changes to your business to grow it.
  2. The People: Everyone is SO friendly, that even if you don’t know anyone, by the end of the weekend you’ll feel as if you have a lot of new friends. It’s great being able to talk to others about IM…since they completely understand!
  3. The One-on-One Sessions: Throughout the weekend, some of the instructors will have sign up sheets where you can talk to them for 15 minutes one at a time…about your business. They’ll help you by answering your questions, giving you suggestions, etc. I’ve taken advantage of this before, and came away with some great ideas and ways to move my business forward.

NAMS is a really great event…and I strongly suggest getting your ticket now. I already purchased mine, and look forward to going again in February.

Get Your Ticket to NAMS 11 Now!