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Todd Brown Just Reopened Six Figure Funnel Formula Training for 6 Hours

Todd Brown - Six Figure Funnel Formula 2nd Chance

I just got word from Todd Brown regarding an ultra-limited second-chance opportunity you have to snag a spot in his Six-Figure Funnel Formula Training Program if you missed out.

Here’s what happened:

On Wednesday, Todd held an 8-hour MEGA Google Hangout with a group of 8 high-level marketers and got slammed with an extraordinarily high amount of traffic.

And, it seems the massive spike in traffic and bandwidth usage from the live event caused some major server issues for Todd.

And, it left a lot of marketers totally unable to process their order and get in his Six-Figure Funnel Formula Training Program at the crazy deal he was offering.

Liquid Web, the company Todd hosts with, is normally fantastic according to Todd. But tons of folks ended up seeing the following message when they tried to jump on his offer:

“Error establishing a database connection”

So, Todd has graciously agreed to open registration for just 6 hours today for the folks who got locked out due to this issue.

He is only opening registration from 12PM ET to 6PM ET though.

So, if you want in… this is truly your LAST CHANCE.

You’ll get the same bonuses, same crazy price, and even a 3-pay option.

Just get it anytime between 12PM and 6PM ET.

Plus, you’ll also have the chance to get in with the payment option for just $99 (which is a ridiculous bargain).

So, again, if you’re interested and missed out once already…don’t let this opportunity slip past you.

Here’s your 2nd (and LAST) chance:

Get the Six Figure Funnel Formula Now!