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Traffic & Conversion Summit 2014 – Can’t Go? Watch it Live from Home!

Ryan Deiss - Traffic and Conversion Summit 2014 Livestream

Later this week, Ryan Deiss will be putting on his annual Traffic and Conversion Summit. It’ll be happening in San Diego, California, January 23rd – 25th, 2014.

Not going to be able to make it? Unfortunately, neither am I.

But we’re not out of luck!

Ryan Deiss just decided to allow a number of people to watch the event online, live.

He’s calling it a livestream option, and right now you will be able to watch the event as it unfolds live…except you’ll be in the comfort of your own home!

You’ll also pay just a fraction of what those that went all the way to San Diego had to pay to attend.

Here are just some of the sessions you’ll be able to watch from the comfort of your own home:

  • Dirt Cheap Traffic
  • Undercover List Building
  • Crafting Offers that Crush
  • Psychic Sales Design
  • Video Selling Machines
  • Partnering with Amazon
  • Mobile Commerce
  • Kindle Publishing 2.0 and Beyond
  • …and so much more!

I don’t know about you, but they sound like really great sessions to me, and I don’t want to miss them.

With what you learn from these sessions, you’ll be able to grow your business for the rest of the year, and be on top of the trends, instead of behind them.

Don’t miss out:

Watch the Traffic and Conversion Summit 2014 Live from Home!