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Underground 10 Tickets are Available

Yanik Silver Underground 10

Yanik Silver is now selling tickets to Underground 10, taking place in New Orleans, February 20th – 22nd, 2014.

Have you gotten your ticket yet?

If not, you don’t want to miss out on the early bird pricing.

Why should you attend?

For the last 9 years, some of the biggest players in the online space, digital trendsetters, and out-of-the-box Internet innovators from around the globe have gathered in one place.

…and each year, the event has sold out ahead of time.

Successful entrepreneurs like you come together for 3 intense days to share and learn the most advanced online business strategies and tactics enabling them to outsmart the competition, maximize growth and be well ahead of the technology curve.

It’s become one of the top networking and learning events for online entrepreneurs and was named by Forbes as a “Top 10 event for entrepreneurs”.

In fact, it has been so successful, every single Underground® has sold-out because of the buzz and reputation of this event being THE place for networking and learning.

The Underground® has attracted presenting attendees such as Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.com, Tim Ferriss, Mike Faith, CEO of Headsets.com, Darren Rowse of ProBlogger.com, Bob Parsons, CEO of GoDaddy.com, Gary Vaynerchuk, author of “Crush it”, Jessica Jackley, co-founder of Kiva.org and many other notables and known influencers.

This year’s stage will be filled with the widest cross-section of entrepreneurial geniuses you’ll ever meet. (Plus the Best-of-the-Best from the previous 9 years!) Yanik is slowly unveiling them over the next few months.

If you go to the website below now, you’ll see a few sneak peeks of a few of the speakers. I think I’ve figured out one of them already.

The space is limited to just 500 seats.

While 6 months from now may seem too far away to even think about, there are a few reasons that you should get your ticket now.

  • First of all, right now you’ll get the early bird pricing. You’ll also get the first crack at just 75 available seats for the exclusive Maverick 1000, Speaker, and VIP dinner.
  • Last year this unique event sold-out early. And from the buzz, build-up and new success stories – I have reason to believe this year may sell out even quicker.
  • It’s always a lot of fun. Each year, Yanik does a new spy theme, and it’s a very different experience. It’s not your “usual” seminar sitting in a windowless room every day falling asleep while watching Powerpoint presentations.

Collectively and conservatively these “underground” men and women bring in millions online per year. If you could pick up just a fraction of a fraction of this knowledge – what would that be worth to you?

Don’t wait and lose your spot:

Get Your Ticket to Underground 10 Now!