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Want to Make Money with your 99 Cent Kindle Book?

Kristen Eckstein - Making Money with Kindle Book

One of the latest trends is creating Kindle books.

Everywhere you see how people are adding Kindle books to their collection of products.

But once you have them up for sale, how do you make real money with them?

You’re obviously not going to make a ton of money just selling the 99c book, so Kristen Eckstein shares with you how you can have a solid back end plan in place to use the book to make real money.

In her (really inexpensive) Kindle book titled, “Author’s Quick Guide to Making Money with your 99c Book”, she’ll teach you exactly how you can really make money with your book.

Here are just a few things you’ll learn:

  • A dozen products or services you can recommend in your book, and make money from later.
  • How to get and keep happy email subscribers.
  • How to advertise in your book to build a system of passive income.
  • How each sale of one of Kristen’s 99cent Kindle books nets her a minimum of $27.

Having a 99 cent book available for sale on Amazon is the first step. If you want to learn what to do next, get Kristen’s book:

Get the “Author’s Quick Guide to Making Money with Your 99c Book” Now!