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What Types of Affiliate Products Should I Promote?

There are many different types of products out there, so I know how hard it can be to come up with what types of affiliate products you should promote.

While I can’t tell you exactly what products to promote, I can give you some ideas that will hopefully make it easier for you.

So…what type of affiliate products should you promote?

  • Things you’re passionate about – Odds are you’re going to be spending a lot of time talking about these products. Whether you create a website and have a ton of posts, or write articles, or anything else…you’ll be promoting these products. So if you pick something you’re passionate about, it’ll be a lot easier to keep coming up with content.
  • Something you know a lot about – Even if you’re not that interested in it, if you have a lot of knowledge about it, it’ll be a lot easier for you to come up with content for it, and will make your content that much better, and therefore you’ll hopefully make sales.
  • Expensive products – While you really shouldn’t choose products to promote just on the price, would you rather get 3% of a $4.99 sale, or 3% of a $1,000 sale? Obviously the higher the price of a product, the more commissions you’ll make on it, so it’s something to think about if you’re trying to narrow it down on what to promote.
  • Electronic products – You can usually make more money off of electronic products (e-books, online courses, etc..) than physical products. Since with an e-product there aren’t any physical, merchandising, or shipping costs, you usually get a higher percentage of commission.
  • Products you’ve used – Even though many people promote products that they have not used, you have a bit of an advantage promoting something that you have used. If you’ve used it, you can give your personal reviews, and you’ll know more about the product than others who haven’t.
  • Something that people buy a lot – Even if it’s not expensive, if people buy a large quantity of something, that could also be something good to promote. For example, promoting something on iTunes won’t give you a large commission since the price of a song, album, or tv show is so little…but someone that buys one is very likely to buy many more. So while you won’t get a large commission on the one item, you’ll probably do well in the long term since you’ll have people buying many from you.

There are many ways that you can look into deciding what affiliate products you should promote, and no one can tell you exactly what you should do. Hopefully these suggestions helped give you a few ideas!