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Where to Find Affiliate Programs

How Can You Become an Affiliate?

So now that you know that you can make money online just by sharing your unique link and telling people about products and stores that you love, how do you become an affiliate?

This process isn’t hard at all, and once again…doesn’t cost any money.

Basically, you’re just going to find the sign up link to the affiliate program of the company you want to join, and sign up. That’s it!

Of course, they’ll have a few questions for you…

They’ll want to know how you’re going to promote them, and then the basic info like your name, and where you live so that they’ll be able to send you checks!

How can you find an affiliate program?

If there is an online store you’d like to promote, the easiest way to find out if they have an affiliate program is to go to the site, and look at the bottom of the page to see if they have any links that have the word “affiliate” in them.

If not, don’t give up, and try Google. You’d be surprised how many of your favorite stores have affiliate programs.

Just sign up, and within a few days you should hear back finding out if you were accepted or not.

Next time we’ll talk about other ways to find even more affiliate programs!