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WP Monster Sale – 4 New Products Added!

Jay Boyer and John Rhodes - WP Monster Sale

Just a few days ago, Jay Boyer and John S. Rhodes put out an incredible package.

It included over 109 complete, tested, and proven products…all with resale rights.

We’re talking professional sales pages, 5 hot plugins, all their PDFs, 100 themes, a super hot squeeze pages, and much, much more.

This WAS an incredible package and I recommend that you buy it now so that you get RESALE RIGHTS!

But now?

Now it’s even better.

On top of that, they’ve just added 4 new products, and you’ll get resale rights to those as well!

Here are the 4 additional products:

  • 10 quick & easy steps to setting up your WordPress blog
  • 12 ways to protect your WordPress site from being hacked
  • Special report: 99 best WordPress plugins
  • Special report: 75 ways to make money with your WordPress blog

While everything else is way too much to list out, I thought you might be especially interested in the plugins that you’ll be getting resale rights to:

  1. WP Coupon Pro – Create viral offline mobile coupons that will grow your clients’ Facebook fans like crazy.
  2. FB Webinar – Create amazing webinar landing pages inside of Facebook.
  3. EasyOptinPro – Create powerful email opt-in forms using WordPress shortcodes.
  4. WP Buzz Machine – Easily create viral image generating landing pages inside of your WordPress blog.
  5. FB Tube – Create amazing YouTube video galleries inside of Facebook.

You may be wondering…is this too good to be true? No.

The “catch” is that this is time-sensitive.

This Video Resale Rights package is only available until Tuesday, January 14th.

This is a special deal for you and time is running out.

I trust John and Jay. They deliver nothing but high quality products.

If you wait any longer, you might lose your chance to get RESALE RIGHTS on this.

You won’t believe the price. Really.

But it isn’t going to be available for long, so check it out now:

Get WP Monster Sale Now!