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WP Monster Sale – Plugins with Resale Rights and More

Jay Boyer and John Rhodes - WP Monster Sale

I don’t understand why Jay Boyer and John S. Rhodes are giving away their best “business-in-a-box” system.

It really includes everything you need to make money online. If you’ve had issues making money online in the past because you didn’t have your own products to sell, well this solves all of that.

But listen – This is a huge opportunity to set up your own software business in 24 hours or less.

They explain how to get set up, and they provide you with all the right tools, and methods, and even the software itself.

(Includes all the software to sell including a complete TRAFFIC-GETTING system. That’s just one bonus!)

Like I said, I think they are crazy to offer such a huge discount to you — that’s why it’s important to act now.

Why? Because the deal is over on Tuesday, the 14th of January.

It’ll be gone FOREVER. The doors slam shut.

So what are you getting in this package?

Just a few of the things:

You get your own professional sales pages, 5 hot plugins, all their PDFs, 100 themes, a super hot squeeze pages, and much,
much more. This is an incredible package and I recommend that you buy it now so that you get RESALE RIGHTS!

Here are the plugins that you’ll be getting resale rights to:

  1. WP Coupon Pro – Create viral offline mobile coupons that will grow your clients’ Facebook fans like crazy.
  2. FB Webinar – Create amazing webinar landing pages inside of Facebook.
  3. EasyOptinPro – Create powerful email opt-in forms using WordPress shortcodes.
  4. WP Buzz Machine – Easily create viral image generating landing pages inside of your WordPress blog.
  5. FB Tube – Create amazing YouTube video galleries inside of Facebook.

Overall, you get 109 complete, tested, and proven products…all with resale rights.

And now…with 4 new products added, you’ll also get:

  • 10 quick & easy steps to setting up your WordPress blog
  • 12 ways to protect your WordPress site from being hacked
  • Special report: 99 best WordPress plugins
  • Special report: 75 ways to make money with your WordPress blog

The most incredible part is the price. It’s so low you won’t believe it.

But only through tomorrow…

Get WP Monster Sale Now!