web analytics

Serplify – Create a Local Site in Just 60 Seconds! (Easily Gets to the First Page of Google Rankings)


I’ve always like the idea of having multiple streams of income. This way if for some reason one stream suddenly went away, you wouldn’t be in trouble, you’d still be earning an income from the other streams.

That’s why I thought this was a really interesting idea. Especially since I’m pretty sure that you’re probably not already doing it, but it doesn’t look like it would take too much time, plus you’d automatically be getting a lot of free traffic from it.

It’s called Serplify, and it’s brand new. Once you log in, it’ll take you just 60 seconds to build a perfect local niche website on autopilot, and it’s ready to rank page 1 in Google.

If you go to the link below, there is a demo video of them setting up the entire local niche site in only 60 seconds.

I’m sure you know that if you’re high in the Google search rankings, you’ll be able to get a lot of free traffic, and therefore make more sales.

It sounds like a great idea. It’s something I’m not doing yet either, but focusing on a local area makes a lot of sense.

Since Serplify was just released, they have it on a special “introductory price”, but that’s just for the next 24 hours.

If you’re looking for a simple way to get a new site up, and want to start getting traffic without having to pay for it, I’d check this out:

Get Serplify Now!

Zen Titan – Profit with Ease on Amazon and More!

Zen Titan

Sometimes, promoting products as an affiliate can be difficult…especially if you’re new.

You’re not sure exactly what to promote, or where to promote!

But if you are looking for something that will make it a lot easier, you’re going to love this software suite.

It’s called Zen Titan, and comes with >4< different pieces of software:

  • Zen Niches – Pre-loaded with 100+ profitable affiliate niches.
  • Zen Affiliate – Makes it easy to research affiliate programs for niche keywords.
  • Zen Spinner – Turns your research into a spun mini-article to export as an article or voiceover script.
  • Zen Video – Creates profitable affiliate review videos for any niche in just 60 seconds.

I’m assuming by now you can see where this is going…but just to show you how easy it is, here are the steps you take once you get it:

  • STEP 1 – First, browse their “Zen Niches” database and choose from over 100 niches that get huge free searches on YouTube.
  • STEP 2 – Do a bit of research and enter some information about the top products in that niche into “Zen Affiliate” software
  • STEP 3 – Spin this data to create instant affiliate reviews – then export 5-10 products into a “campaign file”.
  • STEP 4 – Import this campaign file into the “Zen Video” software to create your video review to use in order to get free YouTube traffic.
  • STEP 5 – Import this campaign file into the “Zen eCommerce” theme to create your affiliate article review to use to get free traffic from the search engines.

That’s it!

You’ll be able to easily use some of the biggest and best ways to get free traffic (Google and the other search engines, plus YouTube) to the affiliate products you promote. Following the steps above, it will be easy and quick – and not as time consuming as other ways.

That means you’ll be able to start getting more traffic sooner, and bring in more commissions sooner!

Check it out before the price goes up:

Get Zen Titan Now!

Pulse Hover – This New Tool is Simple Yet Highly Effective for Amazon Sites as well as Other Affiliate Sites

Pulse Hover

Have you seen this new plugin? Pulse Hover can help you get more Amazon sales as well as sales with other affiliate programs.

We all know that relying solely on Google for bringing traffic is now a naive and costly expectation.

So what else are we to do?

By interrupting your visitors viewing and placing an attractive call to action right in front of them, you’re using the power of social sharing!

And social sharing, viral marketing strategies are now the ‘hot topic’ that every product designer and creator is jumping on to help YOU get a handle on this important traffic
boosting method.

The creators of this spectacular plugin are already well known and respected for their design abilities and their customer support.

You can be assured this plugin is good quality and will be improved.

They’ve taken the time to cater to many marketing niches and I was thrilled to see Amazon buttons being added right off the bat.

What this plugin will do for your business is easy to see when you check out what it does and how great it looks.

Amazon review sites are typically full of attractive images of the products your promoting, so take a look now and you’ll see how in minutes you can have your site updated with the latest in social sharing options that take those images and turn them into profit boosters!

Check Out Pulse Hover Now!

What is an Autoresponder?

An autoresponder is a system that automatically replies to an email.

So for example, when you go on vacation you probably set up your office email to automatically send an email to anyone who writes you, saying that you’re on vacation letting them know when you will be back and who they can contact in the meantime.

That’s a very basic example, but autoresponders are often used to automatically send an email (or a series of emails) when marketing. If you’re trying to build an email list, you’ll often give away something if someone signs up for your email list.

Could you imagine having to manually send out the free gift to (hopefully) hundreds of people as they sign up for your list? Plus, what if they sign up at 4am? You’re probably asleep at that time, and the person won’t get their gift for hours.

This is where autoresponders come in. They take all of the work out of your hands, and take care of it. You can set it up so that when someone joins your list, they automatically get sent an email. The email can include your free gift, or any other welcoming information you’d like to share.

What’s really cool is that you can also set up a series of emails to be sent to someone after they sign up. So for example, when they sign up they’ll get an email right away with their free gift (even if it’s 4am), and then 3 days later they’ll get a second email, another 4 days later their third email, and so on.

This is a great way to stay in contact with hundreds of people at a time, and you only have to set it up once!

Another thing that people generally lump in with autoresponders is that when you have one, the company also sends out your emails for you.

As you know, spam is huge, and if you tried to send out 500 emails from your personal address, besides taking forever to do so, you’d be labeled as a spammer and your emails wouldn’t get sent out.

But buy using the services of a company that has an autoresponder, they take care of sending out your emails (as well as holding your email lists as well), making it more probable that your customers will get their emails.

There are plenty of services to choose from, and in my next post I’ll talk about a few of the popular ones.