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iPad/iPhone Publishing Profits – Watch Ed Dale’s Free Google Hangout Replay Now

Ed Dale - Free Live Hangout

Did you get a chance to join Ed Dale yesterday on his free Google Hangout?

During it, he showed people how to tap into a network of 600 million people who are eagerly making 1-click purchases with their iPhones and/or iPads for info on hundreds of topics.

Ed and 350+ of his students have gained 1,000,000 customers within only 11 months with NO paid advertising, and he showed others how you can get in on this new revolution.

You aren’t out of luck though. He recorded it, and you can watch it now, and learn the same great stuff that was taught last night – for free!

What’s REALLY cool is that you don’t even have to own ANY kind of Apple device whatsoever (not an iPad, iPhone, or anything like that), to get in front of this rabid crowd of BUYERS!

Why watch the free Hangout replay? Check it out:

  • Where the new “starving crowd” is today, & how to leverage it!
  • How 350 people gained 1,000,000 customers in 11 months, with NO paid advertising!
  • How one person got 7,000 subscribers in only 3 months!
  • Why you don’t need an iPhone, iPad, website, list, or product to make it BIG!
  • Ed will answer your questions LIVE!

Have you been waiting for that one thing that you can really “hit it big” with?

This is it!

Join Ed Dale on the Free Google Hangout Replay!