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WebinarJam from Mike Filsaime and Andy Jenkins – Unlimited Attendees, Unlimited Webinars, and More


Do you do webinars?

If not, is it because it’s too expensive, or you don’t like the idea of monthly fees?

Andy Jenkins and Mike Filsaime recently released WebinarJam, a reliable webinar platform that you can use to host unlimited webinars with, and have unlimited attendees on.

This is a huge difference than other webinar services, where you have limits on how many people can be on a webinar at a time.

The people who sign up for your webinars won’t need to have a Google account or Gmail account, as they’ll use their regular email accounts to log in, which I think is a great plus as no one wants to have to sign up for an account just to be able to attend your webinar.

Mike and Andy offer you a lot of choices with WebinarJam. You can use point and click templates so that you can make your registration pages look great, even if you don’t know how to code at all!

Want to charge for someone to attend your webinar? That’s easy to do with WebinarJam as well!

You can even sell things through the webinar! It’s nice and easy.

While I can list all of the cool things that WebinarJam does, I think you’ll appreciate it a lot more (and see how neat and easy it is) if you check it out yourself:

Learn More about WebinarJam