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Safe Swaps: Where to Buy Solo Ads, Sell Solo Ad Space, and Swap Ads

Safe Swaps

If you’re not getting enough traffic to your website, one way to get traffic is to buy solo ads.

You pay by the click, so it doesn’t matter how many emails the person has to send out…they have to send enough that you’ll get the number of clicks you purchased.

You’ll also usually get extra clicks!

You can also make money by sending emails to your own list! So if you have a decent sized list, and want to earn a little extra…this is a great way to do so.

Don’t want to spend any money, but still want to grow your list? Swap ads. You send someone else’s ad to your list, and they’ll send your solo ad to their list. Both of you win, and neither of you had to pay for it!

I’ve been a member for a little over a month now, and have had 3 successful solo ads. I strongly suggest it if you’re looking for an easy, reliable way to get traffic to your site, make money sending emails to your own list, or just want to swap ads.

Join Safe Swaps Now!

How to Build Your List Fast with Safe Swaps

Safe Swaps

If you’re looking to buy solo ads, swap ads with another person, or sell solo ads in the Internet Marketing / Business Opportunity niches, you need to check out Safe Swaps.

I’ve been a member for just over a month, and in that time have completed 2 purchases of solo ads (and am in the middle of a 3rd.) I’ve gotten more people to sign up to my list than I expected.

What’s great is they aren’t just freebie seekers. I’ve seen for myself that these people are willing to purchase products as well!

Safe Swaps is really easy to use. On the site you can search for how many clicks you want to purchase, how much you want to spend, and more.

Once you find someone you want to deal with (whether to buy, sell, or swap an ad with), you can look at their profile to see their rating, and make sure that they are reliable. Once you see that they are, you can decide to work with them.

It took me about 5 minutes to find and purchase a solo ad the last time I did it…so it’s really easy to do.

What I like best is seeing the results…all of the clicks, the people added to my list, and then later down the line, the income!

If you’re looking to buy, sell, or swap ads, I really suggest you take a look at Safe Swaps:

Join Safe Swaps Now!