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eCover Authority – Sell More of Your Product with Better Cover Graphics

eCover Authority

You know that graphics sell things better right?

So you make sure you have pretty graphics on your blog pages.

But what about your product?

Did you know that you’ll sell more copies of your product if it has a nice graphic cover?

The problem is it can be expensive to get one created for you, plus you have to try to explain what you’re looking for, and if the person doesn’t get it…well, then the graphics just won’t look how you want them to.

But Chad Eljisr and Cass Tyson just released eCover Authority, so that you can create your own eCovers nice and easily.

This will help your site stand out, and you’ll be able to make more sales.

Here’s why you need eCover Authority:

  • Over 100 design templates
  • It’s easy to use
  • 2d flat covers are included
  • High quality 3d renders
  • Tons of graphics are included

At the site you can see some great examples, as well as watch a demo to see how you can create your own eCovers!

Get eCover Authority Now!

Graphics Firesale – Looking for Great Graphics at a Low Price?

Graphics Firesale

I just came across these incredible graphics, and you’ve got to see them.

As you may know, good graphics can make or break your website.

They can make the difference between a visitor clicking the back button on their browser, or sticking around and buying your product.

They can make the difference between someone taking your business seriously, or viewing you as a fly-by-night amateur.

In other words, your website image is VERY important.

And you really won’t believe the price on this one. It’s just $17…for ALL of the below.

Here are the modules you’ll get:

  • App Store Buttons, Badges, Banners,
  • Bullets & Checkmarks, Buttons, Calendars,
  • Certificates, Coupons, eCovers,
  • Feature Listing Boxes, Guarantee Badges,
  • Headlines, License Options, Minisite Templates,
  • Mockups, Module Boxes, Navigation Bar,
  • Numbered Bullet, Order Boxes, Photo Frames,
  • Cart Tracker, Separators/Dividers, Box Shadows,
  • Shelf Mockup, Social Buttons, Facebook Covers,
  • Social Media Icons, Squeeze Pages,
  • Testimonial Boxes, Text Styles, Videos Skins

Wow…if that isn’t a LOT of modules. Each with plenty of graphics.

If you have a website (of any kind), or if you plan to have a website in the near future, I recommend looking at this immediately.

Sorry for the urgency, but they’re going to be taking it down on December 22nd, and I don’t want you to miss it!

You’ll be glad you checked it out.

Get Graphics Firesale Now!