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Create Squeeze Pages with up to 84.4% Conversion Rates with FunnelKit

Emilis Strimaitis has created multiple squeeze pages that converted as much as 74.3%, 81.5%, 77.2% AND EVEN 84.4%.

Now he’s selling the tool he used to create these insane pages.

This tool is crazy. It’s packed with functions that I haven’t seen in any other marketing page builder.

Even an 8 year old can easily produce killer pages that convert really well.

Even if you don’t get 84.4% conversion rates (the best that he’s done with it), wouldn’t you be happy with “just” 60%? I know I would!

You’ll also get 2 bonuses when you get FunnelKit today:

  • MySolodex
  • Supercharged Graphics Pack

Click below to see for yourself.

Get FunnelKit Now!