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LoveClaw: How Affiliates Rank Post Traffic Update

Chris Munch - LoveClaw

Until you master traffic generation, conversion tactics, offer selection, and ad placement are all of secondary concern for your affiliate site.

It may seem obvious that “traffic comes first”, yet it still alludes countless affiliate marketers!

Unfortunately, it’s harder for affiliates to rank for targeted traffic and buyer keywords than ever, now that Google has made a recent (and mostly unnoticed – it wasn’t publicized) update to its algorithm.

There is however, a solution that’ll get more traffic, higher rankings, more sales and more profits to your affiliate site, simply by taking a new direction, which the rest of the market is yet to catch on to.

It comes in the form of a simple widget you place on your affiliate site… which also comes with extensive training so you can ALWAYS pull at least 1,000 new visitors to you site, on demand.

This training + tool is currently 50% off for a LIFETIME license (it’s usually a monthly charge) and that deal goes away tomorrow, Thursday May 9th.

So act quickly and master traffic generation forever:

Learn More about Chris Munch’s LoveClaw Now!

Chris Munch’s Emotional SEO Software

Chris Munch - LoveClaw

Did you know that over 65% of all social traffic on the web is driven by Facebook?

It’s in large part due to the popularity of its Like button. In comparison, Google+ drives a tiny amount of traffic. The G+1 button fell flat on its face!

The secret behind why the “Like” button became so dominant, and the G+1 button failed is really something simple. You see, LIKE connects directly with an EMOTIONAL REACTION, and it’s natural for us, as humans, to click on a button that lets us EXPRESS that reaction. We’re emotionally driven creatures.

Yet Facebook doesn’t seem to realize this and only seems to have stumbled across it by accident – because they’ve only just scratched the surface when it comes to the power emotions have on driving traffic.

A new breed of “Emotional” SEOs understand it fully though, and that’s why you’ll find their sites occupying the top search results, while “logical” SEOs are relegated to the back pages.

It all started with an underground software that outperforms Facebook’s Like Button by 350%… generating more social traffic in the short term, and even more search traffic in the long term.

If you don’t use Emotional SEO in your business yet…I suggest you acquaint yourself as soon as you can.

More Than A Social Button…

If you combined the “clickability” of Facebook’s Like Button with the traffic-driving power of Facebook’s Share Button… you’d still only have something about 1/3 as powerful as this software.

By compelling more people to click and engage with your site (leveraging the power of emotions), your site is shared far more often through the social network, bringing in far more social traffic immediately.

That rise in user engagement and social traffic sends massively attractive ranking signals to Google, who then rank your site higher, leading to a bigger rise in free targeted traffic over the long term, just by having this emotionally driven software on your site, and giving your users what they need… an emotional outlet.

If you get on board today, the software’s creator will even hold a bonus traffic training webinar, showing you how to get 1,000 new visitors to YOUR site in 7 Days!

Google has moved beyond traditional SEO and so should you.

Old-school SEO tactics that aim to please the search engines, instead of human users, are being crushed by Emotional SEOs when competing for Rank #1.

This software is being made available now, but only for a short time, and to a few select groups. This is your chance to take full advantage of ’emotional SEO’ and leave your competition in the dark.

Learn More about Chris Munch’s LoveClaw Now!