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Webinar Express – How to Build a Massive, Responsive List with Webinars

Webinar Express

If you want to build an email list FAST, webinars are perfect because they have one of the most important elements of a persuasive offer built right in.


People are scared that they’ll lose out on something that could change their life or business.

Unlike eBooks or an e-course, Webinars get people to show up for a LIVE event, and this event is great for building rapport and establishing credibility with newly gathered email subscribers.

This rapport helps in building a RESPONSIVE email list.

One major problem marketers have is the hefty recurring price tag that comes along with webinar platforms like GoToWebinar.

Not anymore!

Webinar Express, a brand new Webinar Platform that just launched allows you to create professional webinars using ANY WordPress Site + Google Hangouts.

Features Include:

  • Customizable High-Converting Registration Templates
  • Auto-Responder Integration
  • Facebook Connect Registration Option
  • Q&A Management for Admins
  • Video Feed Embed (ie: Google Hangouts)
  • Unlimited Attendees
  • Replay Templates w/ Countdown Timer
  • Call to Action Buttons at Pitch
  • In-Webinar Social Sharing
  • …and much more.
  • Now EVERY webinar registration will automatically be added to your Email service of choice through high-converting landing pages that utilize Name/Email submit OR the popular Facebook Connect feature.

    Watch Webinar Express in action:

    Get Webinar Express Now!