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What an Agenda for the Best Sellers Summit 2017!

Best Sellers Summit 2017

This week, I’ve been talking about the Best Sellers Summit, a virtual event where you can learn how to grow you list and make more sales.

If you’ve wanted to create your first book or first info product, this is your chance to learn how and get some great tips.

In fact, here are just some of the things that are going to be taught during the 4-day summit:

  • How to build instant and lasting authority in your niche
  • How to overcome your indecisive slump and take profitable action
  • Growing your continuity income with membership sites
  • Take your book’s message further by repurposing your content
  • Working with a publisher to boost your credibility and sell more books
  • Building a 3K a month business in a virtually ignored Amazon category
  • Writing and publishing a best-selling children’s book in 7 days or less
  • Using the power of book series to sell more and boost your authority
  • A case study on becoming the #1 book on Amazon in 9 hours flat
  • Simple Facebook Ad tweaks to get more exposure and reduce your ad costs dramatically
  • Creating a self-publishing empire on Amazon, without doing any writing
  • Effortlessly bringing additional income beyond your books
  • Kindle-selling secrets of an 18-year old with a 5-figure monthly Amazon business
  • Another case study of breaking the top 40 books on Amazon, in ALL categories
  • Creating your own books and ebooks in 3 hours flat…or less!
  • Using public domain content to create profitable Kindle books
  • How to get more book reviews, WITHOUT cheating the system or raising any flags
  • Growing your mailing list through your book sales

What an agenda! I don’t know about you, but there are a lot of great things above that can definitely help you income.

Just don’t forget, through the weekend, you can get a specially priced All Access Pass that gives you access to all of the recordings, transcripts, notes, and PowerPoint slides. Get it before it’s too late!

Get Your Ticket to the Best Sellers Summit Now!

Grow Your List, Get More Sales, And More with the Best Sellers Summit 2017!

Best Sellers Summit 2017

Earlier this week, I was talking about how to make sure you achieve your goals this year, like writing your book, or creating your first info product.

What if I told you that you could get great tips from 17 people who are already doing these things?

They’ll show you how to get more traffic, make more sales, and accomplish your goals.

It’s called the Best Sellers Summit, and you can get a ticket now to join them!

It’s online, so you don’t have to go anywhere. You can watch from the comfort of your own home.

For just one small fee, you’ll get access to the words of wisdom from top notch experts such as:

  • John Rhodes
  • Connie Ragen Green
  • David Hancock
  • Greg Cesar
  • Jay Boyer
  • Kristen Joy
  • Matt Bacak
  • Ben Adkins
  • Ty Cohen
  • Nicole Dean
  • Temper Thompson
  • Brad Gosse
  • Jim Edwards
  • Daniel Hall
  • Bryan Cohen

…and of course, the summit co-founders, Ron Douglas and Alice Seba. Many of their attendees declare the 2016 summit a “life changing event” and “best seminar” they have ever attended, so go see what you’re missing out on!

Just don’t forget, through the weekend, you can get a specially priced All Access Pass that gives you access to all of the recordings, transcripts, notes, and PowerPoint slides. Get it before it’s too late!

Get Your Ticket to the Best Sellers Summit Now!

Want to Make Sure You Get Your Book or Info Product Done this Year?

Best Sellers Summit 2017 Free Training

In my last post, we talked about making sure that you get your book or info product published this year, and I hope those tips gave you something to think about.

Today, I wanted to talk a little more about the first point, which is about setting goals.

Here’s the tip if you missed it:

“Set a goal with an end date, and create real actionable steps to get you there. A lot of people like the idea of writing a book or info product, but then get overwhelmed and never get anywhere. Since they didn’t have a deadline, they come up with excuses, and it never gets done.”

Here are some great tips I got from super smart online publishing mentors Ron Douglas who happens to be a New York Times Best Selling Author, and veteran content marketing expert, Alice Seba.

  1. Work on one big project at a time. It’s easy to get distracted by a ton of great ideas, but working on one big project at a time, ensures you can stay focused and get it done. It sounds simple enough, but the world of online publishing is filled with great ideas…so you have to keep your eyes on the prize.Whenever new ideas come to you, put them in a notebook. It doesn’t matter if it’s a virtual notebook or you do it on old-school paper, have a way to keep your ideas organized.
  2. Set a firm launch date and make it public. This is a BIG ONE. If you tell yourself you’re going to finish your book by March 1st, for example and you keep it to yourself, there’s not much to keep you accountable. But if you tell your mailing list that they can expect to buy your book on a specific date, it forces you to be accountable.Add to that, if you say they can buy your book or info product on a specific date, that means you have to have EVERYTHING in place. Not just the writing, but the product has to actually be for SALE. That’s motivating!
  3. Realize that you don’t have to be perfect. It’s the biggest trap for online publishers…seeking perfection. Well, we’d say perfection doesn’t really exist and it really should be called procrastination.Yes, it’s important to get a quality product out to your audience, but we are our toughest critics. Sometimes our plans are more ambitious than is practical, so we need to adjust. So if you were writing a book, perhaps you could turn it into a series, so you can get your first book out on time. And hey, a series is likely to be more profitable than a single book anyway!

It’s smart advice, I’d say. It’s how Ron became a New York Times Best Selling author who has sold over 1.5 million books. It’s also how Alice has been able to release well over 500 products in her online career. In short, these two are an inspiration who have a combined total of over 30 years of online publishing experience.

One really cool thing that Ron and Alice do each year is assemble a line up of other online publishing experts each January, so you can get those books and products out there. They carefully select all of their speakers and only work with those who share real-life strategies based on their own experiences.

We’ll talk more about that soon.

Until then…

If you’re looking for more free training about getting your book done, check this out…

For the next few days, you can get “Write Your Book in 30 Days With Just 1 Hour’s Work Per Day” for FREE!

It’s a great resource to getting your book done if you don’t have a lot of time.

The only problem is you can only get it for the next few days (as of this writing), so please don’t miss out!

Get Your Free “Write Your Book in 30 Days with Just 1 Hour’s Work Per Day” Training Now!

Only Open If You’re Publishing a Book or Info Product in 2017

Best Sellers Summit 2017 Free Training

January is always the time of year to be thinking and planning out your year.

Have you decided what your goals are for the year? Do you know what you want to accomplish by the end of 2017?

Do you want to write a book or create an info product?

If that’s the case, you’re not alone.

A lot of people talk about it. The problem is, very few actually get it done!

If you really want to make sure you create a book or info product in 2017, here’s how to do it:

  • Set a goal with an end date, and create real actionable steps to get you there. A lot of people like the idea of writing a book or info product, but then get overwhelmed and never get anywhere. Since they didn’t have a deadline, they come up with excuses, and it never gets done.
  • In order to be as productive as you can, realize that you may not want to do this alone. There are many shortcuts you can take from using information in the public domain to hiring a writer or researcher, or even using PLR to get started. There is nothing wrong with any of it, and it will bring you closer to your goals without giving you more stress.
  • Learn from the experience, mistakes, and successes of others. What’s the point of making the same mistakes that others have made? Learn from them and find out how to get your book or info product done smartly.

This is a very attainable goal if you do it right, and having a book or info product can really help your bottom line!

If you’re looking for more free training about getting your book done, check this out…

For the next few days, you can get “Write Your Book in 30 Days With Just 1 Hour’s Work Per Day” for FREE!

It’s a great resource to getting your book done if you don’t have a lot of time.

The only problem is you can only get it for the next few days (as of this writing), so please don’t miss out!

Get Your Free “Write Your Book in 30 Days with Just 1 Hour’s Work Per Day” Training Now!

Best Sellers Summit – They Will Show You How They Did It!

Best Sellers Summit

Have you heard about the Best Sellers Summit yet?

Alice Seba and Ron Douglas put together an event of best selling authors, and others who are doing really well in their businesses.

It’s starting on Monday the 18th, and is going through the 21st.

During it, you’ll get to watch live sessions from 17 incredible people who will tell you how they became best sellers, so you can do the same and sell more books and other products.

The price is only $24, but will be rising tomorrow night.

Imagine what you could learn from:

  • Alex Mandossian (Publicity Expert)
  • Alice Seba (Content Marketing Expert)
  • Anthony Morrison (Millionaire Author/Marketer)
  • Armand Morin (Internet Marketing Authority)
  • Colin Theriot (CultOfCopy.com Founder)
  • Daniel Hall (Fast Publishing Expert)
  • E. Brian Rose (JVZoo Founder & Author)
  • Felicia Slattery (Communication/Networking Pro)
  • Jay Boyer (Author, Publisher & Online Marketing Expert)
  • Joel Comm (NY Times Best Selling Author)
  • Lynn Terry (Social Media/Blogging Expert)
  • Michael Fortin (Persuasive Writing Authority)
  • Ron Douglas (NY Times Best Selling Author)
  • Ryan Lee (Long Term Income Expert)
  • Sam Crowley (Podcast Audience Builder)
  • Shannon Cherry (Publicity/Branding Guru)
  • Ty Cohen (Kindle Cash Flow Expert)

They have all succeeded with their businesses, and will share their knowledge so that you can do the same this year!

Make this the year that you have a best selling book, and make more money than ever before.

After each presentation, you’ll also have time to ask any questions you have!

If this event were in person, it would cost you thousands in ticket prices, airfare, hotel, food, etc…

But Ron and Alice decided to do this event online, so that you can learn without having to spend all that money.

Make sure you take advantage of this so your 2016 can be an incredible year!

Sign up for the Best Sellers Summit Now!