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Only Open If You’re Publishing a Book or Info Product in 2017

Best Sellers Summit 2017 Free Training

January is always the time of year to be thinking and planning out your year.

Have you decided what your goals are for the year? Do you know what you want to accomplish by the end of 2017?

Do you want to write a book or create an info product?

If that’s the case, you’re not alone.

A lot of people talk about it. The problem is, very few actually get it done!

If you really want to make sure you create a book or info product in 2017, here’s how to do it:

  • Set a goal with an end date, and create real actionable steps to get you there. A lot of people like the idea of writing a book or info product, but then get overwhelmed and never get anywhere. Since they didn’t have a deadline, they come up with excuses, and it never gets done.
  • In order to be as productive as you can, realize that you may not want to do this alone. There are many shortcuts you can take from using information in the public domain to hiring a writer or researcher, or even using PLR to get started. There is nothing wrong with any of it, and it will bring you closer to your goals without giving you more stress.
  • Learn from the experience, mistakes, and successes of others. What’s the point of making the same mistakes that others have made? Learn from them and find out how to get your book or info product done smartly.

This is a very attainable goal if you do it right, and having a book or info product can really help your bottom line!

If you’re looking for more free training about getting your book done, check this out…

For the next few days, you can get “Write Your Book in 30 Days With Just 1 Hour’s Work Per Day” for FREE!

It’s a great resource to getting your book done if you don’t have a lot of time.

The only problem is you can only get it for the next few days (as of this writing), so please don’t miss out!

Get Your Free “Write Your Book in 30 Days with Just 1 Hour’s Work Per Day” Training Now!

Free Training from Ryan Deiss: Write Your First Book This Weekend!

Ryan Deiss - Write Your Book This Weekend

I have a question for you…

What are you doing this weekend? Are you just going to fool around, or are you going to do something that will help your business?

Did you know, at the end of this long weekend, if you follow this FREE plan, you’ll have your first Kindle book outlined and maybe even DONE and ready for launch.

Get the free workbook below.

There will also be more free training that you’ll get this weekend, with 1-2 minute videos each walking you through the process so be on the lookout.

By the way, did you know how many millions of dollars in eBook sales there were in 2011?

Go ahead and guess, I’ll bet your not even close.

Here is the FREE “Weekend Warrior” workbook now:

Get Your Free Training Now!