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Webinar Ignition – Webinars Just Got Easier and More Affordable

Mark Thompson - Webinar Ignition

Have you seen others doing webinars, and wanted to be able to run them yourself…but thought they were too expensive?

I can definitely see why.

Many of the options out there you have to pay monthly, and it isn’t cheap. And even with that, you have a limit to the number of people you can have on at one time.

But when you hear what webinars can help you do with your business, you know you need to figure out a way.

Especially when you hear that webinars have been proven to:

  • DOUBLE or TRIPLE conversion rates (compared to standard sales pages)
  • Hyper-engage with our target audience
  • Allow the ability to sell products at 5-10x higher than normal
  • Build amazing value
  • Build trust and relationships with prospects and customers

However its EXPENSIVE for professional webinar software.

It just seems crazy to pay up to $499 each month to host a limited number of attendees.

Well now you can host unlimited webinars, with unlimited attendees, and have more engaging features than a GoToWebinar with NO Monthly Fees (can’t beat that).

WebinarIgnition is an all-in-one webinar solution, that provide robust features, including:

  • Live or automated webinar funnels
  • Customizable high converting registration templates
  • Autoresponder integration
  • Facebook connect registration option
  • Q&A management for admins
  • Video feed embed (i.e. Google Hangouts)
  • Unlimited attendees
  • Replay templates with countdown timer
  • Call to action HTML or buttons at pitch
  • In webinar social sharing
  • Email and text message reminder system
  • Live console (for real time tracking and management
  • …and so much more

Now Internet entrepreneurs can push webinar marketing to the top of their marketing strategies, that can deliver a 50% to 100% increase in conversions, the ability to engage with your audience, sell products at higher price points, add amazing value, and more.

Stop paying HUNDREDS of dollars each month and make a one-time investment, while gaining access to the most flexible webinar solution on the web.

Check out WebinarIgnition Now!

Webinar Ignition – Create Live and Automated Webinar Funnels

Mark Thompson - Webinar Ignition

Are you looking for a new webinar software…one that you don’t have to pay monthly fees for?

If so, make sure you keep on reading.

You know how certain products set benchmarks and industry standards for marketing software?

For example, when you think of market research, automatically Market Samurai comes to mind.

Well, now there is WebinarIgnition, setting the standard for creating LIVE and AUTOMATED webinars!

Now you can create, host and manage webinar funnels unlike EVER before.

Check out the many features/customizations inside of this software:

  • Live or Automated Webinar Funnels
  • Customizable High-Converting Registration Templates
  • Auto-Responder Integration
  • Facebook Connect Registration Option
  • Q&A Management for Admins
  • Video Feed Embed (ie: Google Hangouts)
  • Unlimited Attendees
  • Replay Templates w/ Countdown Timer
  • Call-to-Action HTML or Buttons at Pitch
  • In-Webinar Social Sharing
  • Email + Text Message Reminder System
  • Live Console (for real-time tracking + management)
  • …and so much more

Watch WebinarIgnition in action at the link below.

Over 4,000 members are already using WebinarIgnition, offering valuable feedback and suggestions. In fact, many of the suggestions have already been implemented into the software.

This is an ESSENTIAL piece of software to put in ANY marketers toolbox. Best of all, its only a ONE-TIME cost (no monthly fees.)

Check out WebinarIgnition Now!