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Grow Your List, Get More Sales, And More with the Best Sellers Summit 2017!

Best Sellers Summit 2017

Earlier this week, I was talking about how to make sure you achieve your goals this year, like writing your book, or creating your first info product.

What if I told you that you could get great tips from 17 people who are already doing these things?

They’ll show you how to get more traffic, make more sales, and accomplish your goals.

It’s called the Best Sellers Summit, and you can get a ticket now to join them!

It’s online, so you don’t have to go anywhere. You can watch from the comfort of your own home.

For just one small fee, you’ll get access to the words of wisdom from top notch experts such as:

  • John Rhodes
  • Connie Ragen Green
  • David Hancock
  • Greg Cesar
  • Jay Boyer
  • Kristen Joy
  • Matt Bacak
  • Ben Adkins
  • Ty Cohen
  • Nicole Dean
  • Temper Thompson
  • Brad Gosse
  • Jim Edwards
  • Daniel Hall
  • Bryan Cohen

…and of course, the summit co-founders, Ron Douglas and Alice Seba. Many of their attendees declare the 2016 summit a “life changing event” and “best seminar” they have ever attended, so go see what you’re missing out on!

Just don’t forget, through the weekend, you can get a specially priced All Access Pass that gives you access to all of the recordings, transcripts, notes, and PowerPoint slides. Get it before it’s too late!

Get Your Ticket to the Best Sellers Summit Now!

Want to Make Sure You Get Your Book or Info Product Done this Year?

Best Sellers Summit 2017 Free Training

In my last post, we talked about making sure that you get your book or info product published this year, and I hope those tips gave you something to think about.

Today, I wanted to talk a little more about the first point, which is about setting goals.

Here’s the tip if you missed it:

“Set a goal with an end date, and create real actionable steps to get you there. A lot of people like the idea of writing a book or info product, but then get overwhelmed and never get anywhere. Since they didn’t have a deadline, they come up with excuses, and it never gets done.”

Here are some great tips I got from super smart online publishing mentors Ron Douglas who happens to be a New York Times Best Selling Author, and veteran content marketing expert, Alice Seba.

  1. Work on one big project at a time. It’s easy to get distracted by a ton of great ideas, but working on one big project at a time, ensures you can stay focused and get it done. It sounds simple enough, but the world of online publishing is filled with great ideas…so you have to keep your eyes on the prize.Whenever new ideas come to you, put them in a notebook. It doesn’t matter if it’s a virtual notebook or you do it on old-school paper, have a way to keep your ideas organized.
  2. Set a firm launch date and make it public. This is a BIG ONE. If you tell yourself you’re going to finish your book by March 1st, for example and you keep it to yourself, there’s not much to keep you accountable. But if you tell your mailing list that they can expect to buy your book on a specific date, it forces you to be accountable.Add to that, if you say they can buy your book or info product on a specific date, that means you have to have EVERYTHING in place. Not just the writing, but the product has to actually be for SALE. That’s motivating!
  3. Realize that you don’t have to be perfect. It’s the biggest trap for online publishers…seeking perfection. Well, we’d say perfection doesn’t really exist and it really should be called procrastination.Yes, it’s important to get a quality product out to your audience, but we are our toughest critics. Sometimes our plans are more ambitious than is practical, so we need to adjust. So if you were writing a book, perhaps you could turn it into a series, so you can get your first book out on time. And hey, a series is likely to be more profitable than a single book anyway!

It’s smart advice, I’d say. It’s how Ron became a New York Times Best Selling author who has sold over 1.5 million books. It’s also how Alice has been able to release well over 500 products in her online career. In short, these two are an inspiration who have a combined total of over 30 years of online publishing experience.

One really cool thing that Ron and Alice do each year is assemble a line up of other online publishing experts each January, so you can get those books and products out there. They carefully select all of their speakers and only work with those who share real-life strategies based on their own experiences.

We’ll talk more about that soon.

Until then…

If you’re looking for more free training about getting your book done, check this out…

For the next few days, you can get “Write Your Book in 30 Days With Just 1 Hour’s Work Per Day” for FREE!

It’s a great resource to getting your book done if you don’t have a lot of time.

The only problem is you can only get it for the next few days (as of this writing), so please don’t miss out!

Get Your Free “Write Your Book in 30 Days with Just 1 Hour’s Work Per Day” Training Now!

Only Open If You’re Publishing a Book or Info Product in 2017

Best Sellers Summit 2017 Free Training

January is always the time of year to be thinking and planning out your year.

Have you decided what your goals are for the year? Do you know what you want to accomplish by the end of 2017?

Do you want to write a book or create an info product?

If that’s the case, you’re not alone.

A lot of people talk about it. The problem is, very few actually get it done!

If you really want to make sure you create a book or info product in 2017, here’s how to do it:

  • Set a goal with an end date, and create real actionable steps to get you there. A lot of people like the idea of writing a book or info product, but then get overwhelmed and never get anywhere. Since they didn’t have a deadline, they come up with excuses, and it never gets done.
  • In order to be as productive as you can, realize that you may not want to do this alone. There are many shortcuts you can take from using information in the public domain to hiring a writer or researcher, or even using PLR to get started. There is nothing wrong with any of it, and it will bring you closer to your goals without giving you more stress.
  • Learn from the experience, mistakes, and successes of others. What’s the point of making the same mistakes that others have made? Learn from them and find out how to get your book or info product done smartly.

This is a very attainable goal if you do it right, and having a book or info product can really help your bottom line!

If you’re looking for more free training about getting your book done, check this out…

For the next few days, you can get “Write Your Book in 30 Days With Just 1 Hour’s Work Per Day” for FREE!

It’s a great resource to getting your book done if you don’t have a lot of time.

The only problem is you can only get it for the next few days (as of this writing), so please don’t miss out!

Get Your Free “Write Your Book in 30 Days with Just 1 Hour’s Work Per Day” Training Now!

Get Your Marketing Tools Comparison Charts with PLR!

Marketing Tools Comparison Charts

If you want to help people start making money online, you need to check this PLR out.

It can really help people (and yourself) figure out what companies you want to use.

It’s called the “Must-Have Online Marketing Tools Comparison Charts!” and is great for anyone who is just starting or growing their business.

There are 12 comparison charts:

  • Ad Networks
  • Affiliate Networks
  • Affiliate Platforms
  • Autoresponders
  • Live Video Streaming
  • Payment Processors
  • Shopping Carts
  • Social Media Management
  • Social Media Sites
  • Streaming Video Sites
  • Webinar Platforms
  • Website Analytics
  • So what should you do with it?

    The first thing is that you can learn from the information.

    Then there is so much more. You’ll be getting PLR to it, so then you can do a number of other great things with it.

    You can put all of the charts together and sell them at a low price point. This gives people a great way to get to know you and learn from you, without spending a lot of money. Once they get to know you, they’ll be willing to buy higher priced products from you.

    You can expand on each of the items in the charts, making it a bigger product, and charge more.

    And of course, no matter what you do, make sure you put your affiliate links in the chart items, so that you can earn affiliate commissions when someone signs up for one of the companies!

    It’s a great way to help others get started and figure out what companies they want to use, plus give yourself an income at the same time!

    Through tonight, it’s at a really low price. Check it out now!

    Get Your Must Have Marketing Tools Comparison Charts Now!

    Serplify – Create a Local Site in Just 60 Seconds! (Easily Gets to the First Page of Google Rankings)


    I’ve always like the idea of having multiple streams of income. This way if for some reason one stream suddenly went away, you wouldn’t be in trouble, you’d still be earning an income from the other streams.

    That’s why I thought this was a really interesting idea. Especially since I’m pretty sure that you’re probably not already doing it, but it doesn’t look like it would take too much time, plus you’d automatically be getting a lot of free traffic from it.

    It’s called Serplify, and it’s brand new. Once you log in, it’ll take you just 60 seconds to build a perfect local niche website on autopilot, and it’s ready to rank page 1 in Google.

    If you go to the link below, there is a demo video of them setting up the entire local niche site in only 60 seconds.

    I’m sure you know that if you’re high in the Google search rankings, you’ll be able to get a lot of free traffic, and therefore make more sales.

    It sounds like a great idea. It’s something I’m not doing yet either, but focusing on a local area makes a lot of sense.

    Since Serplify was just released, they have it on a special “introductory price”, but that’s just for the next 24 hours.

    If you’re looking for a simple way to get a new site up, and want to start getting traffic without having to pay for it, I’d check this out:

    Get Serplify Now!

    Zen Titan – Profit with Ease on Amazon and More!

    Zen Titan

    Sometimes, promoting products as an affiliate can be difficult…especially if you’re new.

    You’re not sure exactly what to promote, or where to promote!

    But if you are looking for something that will make it a lot easier, you’re going to love this software suite.

    It’s called Zen Titan, and comes with >4< different pieces of software:

    • Zen Niches – Pre-loaded with 100+ profitable affiliate niches.
    • Zen Affiliate – Makes it easy to research affiliate programs for niche keywords.
    • Zen Spinner – Turns your research into a spun mini-article to export as an article or voiceover script.
    • Zen Video – Creates profitable affiliate review videos for any niche in just 60 seconds.

    I’m assuming by now you can see where this is going…but just to show you how easy it is, here are the steps you take once you get it:

    • STEP 1 – First, browse their “Zen Niches” database and choose from over 100 niches that get huge free searches on YouTube.
    • STEP 2 – Do a bit of research and enter some information about the top products in that niche into “Zen Affiliate” software
    • STEP 3 – Spin this data to create instant affiliate reviews – then export 5-10 products into a “campaign file”.
    • STEP 4 – Import this campaign file into the “Zen Video” software to create your video review to use in order to get free YouTube traffic.
    • STEP 5 – Import this campaign file into the “Zen eCommerce” theme to create your affiliate article review to use to get free traffic from the search engines.

    That’s it!

    You’ll be able to easily use some of the biggest and best ways to get free traffic (Google and the other search engines, plus YouTube) to the affiliate products you promote. Following the steps above, it will be easy and quick – and not as time consuming as other ways.

    That means you’ll be able to start getting more traffic sooner, and bring in more commissions sooner!

    Check it out before the price goes up:

    Get Zen Titan Now!

    Free Training: Grow Your Income by 10x!

    5 Ways to 10x Your Business

    Do you wish you could earn more money without working harder?

    If so, you need to check out CoachGlue’s new FREE training.

    It’s called “Discover 5 Ways to 10x Your Business in the Next 90 Days for More Profits and Freedom!”

    They’re all about how you can grow your business without having to spend all of your time on your business. They know you need to have a life, and want to help you work better, instead of harder on your business.

    Do you think life would be better if you could add a zero to your income?

    Of course! So make sure you check out this free training they’ve just released.

    In this training, they’ll show you:

    • How to finally reach your goals
    • How to create reliable streams of income
    • How to create high ticket items
    • How to grow your list of fans and customers
    • How to get and keep new clients
    • …even how to get paid to travel!

    Don’t wait any longer. Imagine what you life could be like just 90 days from now if you added an extra zero to your income!

    Sign up for your Free Training Now!

    Create Blog Posts Faster and Easier with these Templates

    Bill Guthrie - Blog Post Bonanza

    When you’re sitting in front of a blank screen, it can be difficult to write a blog post.

    You might kinda know what you want to say…but where do you start? How do you get to the main point?

    Sometimes it just isn’t easy, and you’re not sure how to get a nice coherent post out that gets out the message you were trying to get out.

    That’s where Bill Guthrie’s Blog Post Bonanza comes in.

    He has these awesome templates that you can use to make it easy to write high quality blog posts all of the time.

    There are 20 different templates, so don’t worry that all of your posts will look the same.

    You’ll be able to go back and fort between the templates, so all of your posts will be different, and all will be high quality that people will want to read.

    Right now, the price is really low too. It makes it a no brainer. Never have a problem writing a post again!

    Get Blog Post Bonanza Now!

    Build A Business in 60 Minutes!! (Free Training)

    There exists a $2.47B market that’s your absolute best opportunity to start your own lucrative business.

    It’s Email!

    Years ago, if you wanted to profit in Email marketing, you would have to brace yourself for a ton of effort, high costs, and months or years of work.

    Today — thanks to a quick and streamlined technology that just surfaced, you can race to your first online payday…

    You can even get started in just 60 minutes or less!

    I know that sounds insane. But that’s OK, because Anik Singal wants to PROVE it to you!

    This Thursday, he invites you to what promises to be an amazing webinar.

    He’s even doing it 3 different times to make sure that you’ll be available.

    In this webinar training, Anik is going to hand you his proven 5-Step System for Profiting from Email Marketing — 20,000 students can’t be wrong.

    Plus, you’ll also get a full LIVE Demo of his “Build an Online Business in 60 Minutes (Or Less)” Technology.

    You’re going to be blown away.

    Sign up for the Webinar Now!