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Webinar Ignition – Webinars Just Got Easier and More Affordable

Mark Thompson - Webinar Ignition

Have you seen others doing webinars, and wanted to be able to run them yourself…but thought they were too expensive?

I can definitely see why.

Many of the options out there you have to pay monthly, and it isn’t cheap. And even with that, you have a limit to the number of people you can have on at one time.

But when you hear what webinars can help you do with your business, you know you need to figure out a way.

Especially when you hear that webinars have been proven to:

  • DOUBLE or TRIPLE conversion rates (compared to standard sales pages)
  • Hyper-engage with our target audience
  • Allow the ability to sell products at 5-10x higher than normal
  • Build amazing value
  • Build trust and relationships with prospects and customers

However its EXPENSIVE for professional webinar software.

It just seems crazy to pay up to $499 each month to host a limited number of attendees.

Well now you can host unlimited webinars, with unlimited attendees, and have more engaging features than a GoToWebinar with NO Monthly Fees (can’t beat that).

WebinarIgnition is an all-in-one webinar solution, that provide robust features, including:

  • Live or automated webinar funnels
  • Customizable high converting registration templates
  • Autoresponder integration
  • Facebook connect registration option
  • Q&A management for admins
  • Video feed embed (i.e. Google Hangouts)
  • Unlimited attendees
  • Replay templates with countdown timer
  • Call to action HTML or buttons at pitch
  • In webinar social sharing
  • Email and text message reminder system
  • Live console (for real time tracking and management
  • …and so much more

Now Internet entrepreneurs can push webinar marketing to the top of their marketing strategies, that can deliver a 50% to 100% increase in conversions, the ability to engage with your audience, sell products at higher price points, add amazing value, and more.

Stop paying HUNDREDS of dollars each month and make a one-time investment, while gaining access to the most flexible webinar solution on the web.

Check out WebinarIgnition Now!

Webinar Express – How to Build a Massive, Responsive List with Webinars

Webinar Express

If you want to build an email list FAST, webinars are perfect because they have one of the most important elements of a persuasive offer built right in.


People are scared that they’ll lose out on something that could change their life or business.

Unlike eBooks or an e-course, Webinars get people to show up for a LIVE event, and this event is great for building rapport and establishing credibility with newly gathered email subscribers.

This rapport helps in building a RESPONSIVE email list.

One major problem marketers have is the hefty recurring price tag that comes along with webinar platforms like GoToWebinar.

Not anymore!

Webinar Express, a brand new Webinar Platform that just launched allows you to create professional webinars using ANY WordPress Site + Google Hangouts.

Features Include:

  • Customizable High-Converting Registration Templates
  • Auto-Responder Integration
  • Facebook Connect Registration Option
  • Q&A Management for Admins
  • Video Feed Embed (ie: Google Hangouts)
  • Unlimited Attendees
  • Replay Templates w/ Countdown Timer
  • Call to Action Buttons at Pitch
  • In-Webinar Social Sharing
  • …and much more.
  • Now EVERY webinar registration will automatically be added to your Email service of choice through high-converting landing pages that utilize Name/Email submit OR the popular Facebook Connect feature.

    Watch Webinar Express in action:

    Get Webinar Express Now!

Webinars Just got Easier and More Affordable with Webinar Express

Webinar Express

Are you sick of paying up to $499 a month to host webinars?

Or….are you even able to afford to maximize the power of webinars because services like GoToWebinar are charging so much each month?

If so, you’re going to love what was just released by Mark Thompson and Anthony Devine.

It’s called Webinar Express, and is a new WordPress plugin that is leveraging the power of Webinars and live streaming services like Google Hangouts to build the most flexible and robust Webinar Platform to DATE!

The best part is that now you can host unlimited webinars, with unlimited attendees, and more engaging features than GoToWebinar with NO Monthly Fees (can’t beat that).

Just watch the Demo video and see these features in action:

  • Customizable High-Converting Registration Templates
  • Auto-Responder Integration
  • Facebook Connect Registration Option
  • Q&A Management for Admins
  • Video Feed Embed (ie: Google Hangouts)
  • Unlimited Attendees
  • Replay Templates w/ Countdown Timer
  • Call to Action Buttons at Pitch
  • In-Webinar Social Sharing
  • and SO MUCH MORE…

Now Internet entrepreneurs and small and medium size online/offline businesses can push Webinar Marketing to the top of their marketing strategies, that can deliver:

  • 50-100% Increase in Conversions (compared to sales pages)
  • Ability to Engage with the Audience
  • Sell Products at Higher Price Points
  • Add Amazing Value
  • Build Trust and Relationships with Prospects

Webinar Express is the All-In-One Webinar Platform that is changing how markets sell products and services online.

Stop paying HUNDREDS of dollars each month and make a one-time investment, while gaining access to the most flexible Webinar Platform on the web.

Get Webinar Express Now!

Last Chance to get Google Hangout Plugin at Introductory Price!

Hangout Plugin - Run Webinars From WordPress

Tonight at midnight, the launch special for the Hangout Plugin will go away.

Until then, this plugin will offer UNLIMITED seats, UNLIMITED events, and unlimited sites, all for one incredibly low fee.

After this launch special is gone, as in after midnight tonight…the plugin is going up to it’s commercial pricing, with ongoing monthly fees.

This new plugin may appear at first to have nothing to do with SEO, but it REALLY does.

We all know that YouTube videos and channels rank incredibly well, and Google Hangouts combined with Youtube videos are getting serious attention right now.

Big name marketers have started using hangouts as a massive way of reaching their audiences…. and exploding their bottom line in the process.

SEO is a changing game. But one thing stays constant…and that is the provision that high quality content always wins.

Hangouts are gathering momentum.

This plugin (also combined with the AWESOME bonus software for ranking them) will have your hangouts and channels boosting your rank FAST.

And if there has ever been an urgency around an SEO technique – it’s now. Not because any ‘loophole’ is closing…it’s just the opposite actually.

Google is growing the hangout system in a major way…

And through tonight, you can get in on it for a lot less.

Seriously – the power of this system is incredible.

Start looking into hangouts now (if you aren’t already) and notice how channels and rankings really kick in.

Grab it FAST while the launch special is on – you will be EXTREMELY glad when you do.

Get the Hangout Plugin Now!